10:30 |
MO 10.1 |
Electron transfer mediated decay in Ar-Kr clusters — •Marko Förstel, Melanie Mucke, Tiberiu Arion, Alex M. Bradshaw, and Uwe Hergenhahn
10:45 |
MO 10.2 |
Matrix isolation of PTCDA molecules in rare gas samples: clusters vs. bulk matrices — •Matthieu Dvorak, Markus Müller, Alexandre Rydlo, Stefan Minniberger, Wolfgang Harbich, and Frank Stienkemeier
11:00 |
MO 10.3 |
Gas Phase Vibrational Spectroscopy of Cerium Oxide Cluster Cations — •Torsten Wende, Asbjörn Burow, Pieterjan Claes, Marek Sierka, Gerard Meijer, Peter Lievens, Joachim Sauer, and Knut R. Asmis
11:15 |
MO 10.4 |
Infrared spectra and structures of silver-PAH cation complexes — •Marco Savoca, Torsten Wende, Ling Jiang, Judith Langer, Gerard Meijer, Otto Dopfer, and Knut Asmis
11:30 |
MO 10.5 |
IR Spectroscopy of Microhydrated Nitrate Ions: Influence of Solvent and Temperature on Structure — •Nadja Heine, Torsten Wende, Ling Jiang, Risshu Bergmann, Kenneth D. Jordan, Gerard Meijer, and Knut R. Asmis
11:45 |
MO 10.6 |
High-dimensional neural network potential-energy surface for water clusters — •Vikas Sharma, Tobias Morawietz, and Jörg Behler
12:00 |
MO 10.7 |
Comprehensive study of supersonic beams of CO2 close to the critical point — •Wolfgang Christen, Bo-Gaun Chen, Stefan Heinig, and Klaus Rademann
12:15 |
MO 10.8 |
XUV fluorescence spectroscopy of clusters in intense laser fields — •Lasse Schroedter, Andreas Kickermann, Andreas Przystawik, Marcus Adolph, Tais Gorkhover, Maria Krikunova, Maria Müller, Daniela Rupp, Thomas Möller, and Tim Laarmann
12:30 |
MO 10.9 |
Spin and orbit moments of super paramagnetic Cobalt clusters from XMCD investigation of isolated ions by the GAMBIT experiment — •Jennifer Meyer, Matthias Tombers, Heinrich Kampschulte, Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, Sergey Peredkov, Sven Peters, Matthias Neeb, and Wolfgang Eberhardt
12:45 |
MO 10.10 |
Untersuchungen an freien atmosphärisch relevanten sub-10nm Partikeln — •Markus Eritt, Jan Meinen und Thomas Leisner