10:30 |
MO 12.1 |
Towards ultrafast diffractive imaging of strongly aligned complex molecules: X-ray induced radiation damage — •Lotte Holmegaard, Jochen Küpper, Henry Chapman, and Daniel Rolles
10:45 |
MO 12.2 |
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Diffraction in Laser-Aligned Molecules — •Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, Jochen Küpper, Henry Chapman, and Joachim Ullrich
11:00 |
MO 12.3 |
Femtosecond RIXS on liquid jets and first results from LCLS — Philippe Wernet, •Kristjan Kunnus, Martin Beye, Simon Schreck, Edlira Suljoti, Christian Weniger, Christian Kalus, Kerstin Kalus, Alexander Föhlisch, Ivan Rajkovic, Sebastian Grübel, Wilson Quevedo, Mirko Scholz, Simone Techert, Brian Kennedy, Franz Hennies, Dennis Nordlund, Robert Hartsock, Wenkai Zhang, Kelly Gaffney, Josh Turner, Bill Schlotter, Ida Joseffson, and Michael Odelius
11:15 |
MO 12.4 |
Polarization control in two-color above-threshold ionization of small molecules — •Torsten Leitner, Mateusz Ibek, Michael Meyer, and Philippe Wernet
11:30 |
MO 12.5 |
Unusual mechanism for H3+ formation from ethane as obtained by femtosecond laser pulse ionization and quantum chemical calculations — Peter Kraus, Martin Schwarzer, •Nora Schirmel, Gunter Urbasch, Gernot Frenking, and Karl-Michael Weitzel
11:45 |
MO 12.6 |
Steering the electron motion in H2+ by nuclear wave packet dynamics — •Bettina Fischer, Manuel Kremer, Thomas Pfeifer, Bernold Feuerstein, Vandana Sharma, Nicolas Camus, Robert Moshammer, and Joachim Ullrich
12:00 |
MO 12.7 |
CRASY: Correlated Rotational Alignment Spectroscopy Resolves Cluster Fragmentation — •Christian Schröter, Ingolf-Volker Hertel, and Thomas Schultz
12:15 |
MO 12.8 |
Fragmentation studies of chiral molecules via femtosecond-laser mass spectrometry — •Christian Lux, Vanessa Brandenstein, Cristian Sarpe, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
12:30 |
MO 12.9 |
Ultraschnelle Zerfallsdynamik von 4p-Rydberg-Zuständen des CS2 — •Ines Wagner-Drebenstedt, Jürgen Plenge, Markus Kurth, Janis Berkemeyer und Eckart Rühl
12:45 |
MO 12.10 |
Ultrafast time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of benzene — •Peter Lang, Christian Homann, Igor Pugliesi, Reinhard Kienberger, and Eberhard Riedle