Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 18: Experimental Techniques and Various Topics
Mittwoch, 16. März 2011, 16:30–18:15, MER 02
16:30 |
MO 18.1 |
Two-photon absorption as convenient method for the online autocorrelation measurement of sub 20-fs pulses in the deep UV — •Nils Krebs, Christian Homann, Peter Lang, and Eberhard Riedle
16:45 |
MO 18.2 |
Photoelectron circular dichroism from chiral molecules via multiphoton ionization with femtosecond laser pulses — •Qingqing Liang, Manuel Gerlach, Christian Lux, Jens Köhler, Cristian Sarpe-Tudoran, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
17:00 |
MO 18.3 |
High Resolution X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy of Water and Aqueous Ions using the Micro-Jet Technique — •Kathrin Maria Lange, René Könnecke, Samira Ghadimi, Ronny Golnak, Mikail Soldatov, Kai Friedrich Hodeck, Alexander Soldatov, and Emad Flear Aziz
17:15 |
MO 18.4 |
Characterisation of Position Map Imaging (XMI) — •Johannes von Vangerow, Rico Otto, Martin Stei, Sebastian Trippel, Thorsten Best, Jonathan Brox, and Roland Wester
17:30 |
MO 18.5 |
Precision Spectroscopy of the 207Pb19F molecule: Implications for measurement of P-odd and T-odd effects — •J.-U. Grabow, L. D. Alphei, R. J Mawhorter, B. Murphy, A. Baum, T. J. Sears, T. Zh. Yang, P. M. Rupasinghe, C. P. McRaven, and N. E. Shafer-Ray
17:45 |
MO 18.6 |
Surface based detection schemes for molecular interferometry experiments - implications and possible applications — •Adriana Milic, Thomas Juffmann, Michael Müllneritsch, and Markus Arndt
18:00 |
MO 18.7 |
Metal-molecule contacts in liquid environments — •Sascha Berger, Jannic Wolf, Thomas Kirchner, Thomas Huhn, Elke Scheer, and Arthur Erbe