10:30 |
MO 21.1 |
Soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy on liquids, solutions and solvated molecules using ultrathin liquid films — •Simon Schreck, Christian Weniger, and Philippe Wernet
10:45 |
MO 21.2 |
Charge Transfer between Co(II) and H20 vs D2O quantified by Dark Channel Fluorescence Yield XAS. — Samira Ghadimi, Sebastien Bonhommeau, •Mikhail Soldatov, Kathrin M Lange, Tom Stalinski, Alexander Kothe, Kai F Hodeck, Alexander Soldatov, and Emad F Aziz
11:00 |
MO 21.3 |
Sub-Femtosecond Electron Delocalization between Fe3+ and H2O versus D2O Solvents — •Tom Stalinski, Sébastien Bonhommeau, Samira Ghadimi, Kathrin Lange, Alexander Kothe, René Könnecke, Kai Hodeck, Majed Chergui, and Emad Aziz
11:15 |
MO 21.4 |
Absolute cross section of ionization, dissociation and fluorescence of H2 superexcited states — Michele Glass-Maujean, Christian Jungen, Hans Schmoranzer, •Irina Tulin-Haar, Andrè Knie, Philipp Reiß, Rainer Hentges, Witoslaw Kielich, Kari Jänkälä, and Arno Ehresmann
11:30 |
MO 21.5 |
IR-UV double resonance spectroscopy of radicals using a free electron laser — •Kathrin Fischer, Patrick Hemberger, Ingo Fischer, and Anouk Rijs
11:45 |
MO 21.6 |
Gas-Festkörper-Verschiebung der C 1s → π*-Anregung in Benzol — •Roman Flesch, Peter Feulner, Florian Blobner, Ertugrul Serdaroglu und Eckart Rühl
12:00 |
MO 21.7 |
Mono-hydroxy[2.2]paracyclophane: a model compound for strongly interacting π-systems — •Christof Schon, Wolfgang Roth, Ingo Fischer, Johannes Pfister, Reinhold F. Fink, and Bernd Engels
12:15 |
MO 21.8 |
Theoretical study of charge transfer complexes using hybrid functional the vdW correction. — •shahab naghavi, thomas gruhn, claudia felser, katerina medjanik, gerd schönhense, ralph rieger, martin baumgarten, and klaus müllen
12:30 |
MO 21.9 |
Efficiency of energy transfer in the FMO complex under the influence of a Non-Markovian environment — •Christoph Kreisbeck, Mirta Rodriguez Pinilla, Birgit Hein, and Tobias Kramer
12:45 |
MO 21.10 |
Simulation of 2D-echo spectra of exitonic transfer in systems with large reorganisation energy on a GPU — •Birgit Hein, Christoph Kreisbeck, Tobias Kramer, and Mirta Rodriguez Pinilla