Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 34: Photochemistry
Freitag, 18. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, TOE 317
10:30 |
MO 34.1 |
Ring-closure and isomerization capabilities of spiropyran-derived merocyanine isomers — •Johannes Buback, Martin Kullmann, Patrick Nuernberger, Ralf Schmidt, Frank Würthner, and Tobias Brixner
10:45 |
MO 34.2 |
Control of the dissociation of diphenylallyl derivatives — •Michael Mikhailov, Igor Pugliesi, Konstantin Troshin, Herbert Mayr, and Eberhard Riedle
11:00 |
MO 34.3 |
Ultrafast photochemical bond cleavage of diphenylmethylphosphonium cations — •Sebastian Thallmair, Christian Sailer, Benjamin Phillip Fingerhut, Eberhard Riedle, and Regina de Vivie-Riedle
11:15 |
MO 34.4 |
Theoretical study of charge-transfer processes in [Ir(ppy)2(bpy)]+ based systems for photocatalytic water splitting — •Olga Bokareva, Sergey Bokarev, and Oliver Kühn
11:30 |
MO 34.5 |
Time-resolved Spectroscopy of [Ir(ppy)2(bpy)]+ within a Photocatalytic System — •Antje Neubauer, Aleksej Friedrich, Felix Gärtner, Henrik Junge, Matthias Beller, and Stefan Lochbrunner
11:45 |
MO 34.6 |
Temperature dependent generation and relaxation behavior of photoswitchable [Ru(bpy)2(OSO)]+ — •Sebastian Eicke, Annika Kruse, Volker Dieckmann, Kristin Springfeld, and Mirco Imlau
12:00 |
MO 34.7 |
Photochemistry of 3-hydroxyflavone and its water clusters inside superfluid helium nanodroplets — •Tobias Premke and Alkwin Slenczka
12:15 |
MO 34.8 |
Photoionization of Reactive Intermediates — •Michael Steinbauer, Patrick Hemberger, Ingo Fischer, and Andras Bödi
12:30 |
MO 34.9 |
Precise and rapid detection of optical activity for femtosecond spectroscopy — •Andreas Steinbacher, Johannes Buback, Patrick Nuernberger, and Tobias Brixner
12:45 |
MO 34.10 |
A new technique: Quadruple-resonance-spectroscopy for isomer selection in an electronically excited state — •Martin Weiler, Kristina Bartl, Andreas Funk, and Markus Gerhards