10:30 |
MS 5.1 |
Searching for physics beyond the standard model using beta decay — •Marcus Beck
11:00 |
MS 5.2 |
First Mass Measurements with THe-Trap — •Martin Höcker, Christoph Diehl, Jochen Ketter, David B. Pinegar, Sebastian Streubel, Marius Tremer, Robert S. Van Dyck Jr., and Klaus Blaum
11:15 |
MS 5.3 |
The five-Penning trap mass spectrometer PENTATRAP — •Julia Repp, Christine Böhm, José Crespo López-Urrutia, Andreas Dörr, Sergey Eliseev, Mikhail Goncharov, Yuri Novikov, Christian Roux, Sven Sturm, Stefan Ulmer, and Klaus Blaum
11:30 |
MS 5.4 |
Das Massenspektrometer ISOLTRAP auf dem Weg zu höherer Genauigkeit — •S. Kreim, D. Beck, K. Blaum, Ch. Böhm, Ch. Borgmann, M. Breitenfeldt, D. Fink, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, M. Kowalska, D. Lunney, E. M. Ramirez, S. Naimi, D. Neidherr, M. Rosenbusch, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, J. Stanja, R. Wolf und K. Zuber
11:45 |
MS 5.5 |
Investigation of the accuracy limit at the Penning trap mass spectrometer TRIGA-TRAP — •Christian Smorra, Thomas Beyer, Klaus Blaum, Jens Ketelaer, Szilard Nagy, Dennis Neidherr, Dennis Renisch, and the Triga-Trap Collaboration
12:00 |
MS 5.6 |
Massenspektrometrie in der Nuklearen Entsorgung — •Clemens Walther, Michael Steppert, Sebastian Büchner, Markus Fuss, Andreas Geist und Horst Geckeis