Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 21: Clean surfaces: Metals, semiconductors, oxides and insulators II
Montag, 14. März 2011, 17:15–18:30, WIL B122
17:15 |
O 21.1 |
A combined Frequency Modulation Dynamic Force Microscopy (FM-DFM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) Study of a SiO2/Ru(0001) Model System — •Christin Büchner, Leonid Lichtenstein, Lars Heinke, Markus Heyde, and Hans-Joachim Freund
17:30 |
O 21.2 |
Imaging domain structures of ferroelectric and multiferroic surfaces by PEEM — •Anke Höfer, Klaus Duncker, Stefan Förster, and Wolf Widdra
17:45 |
O 21.3 |
(contribution withdrawn) Spin-orbit effects in two-electron emission from ferromagnets — •Franz Giebels, Herbert Gollisch, and Roland Feder
18:00 |
O 21.4 |
Photoemission induced gating of topological insulator — •A. A. Kordyuk, T. K. Kim, V. B. Zabolotnyy, D. V. Evtushinsky, M. Bauch, C. Hess, B. Büchner, H. Berger, and S. V. Borisenko
18:15 |
O 21.5 |
Anomalous double layer step formation on Si(100) in hydrogen ambient — •Henning Döscher, Peter Kleinschmidt, Anja Dobrich, Sebastian Brückner, Oliver Supplie, Johannes Luczak, and Thomas Hannappel