18:30 |
O 35.1 |
Measurement of the interactions between two molecules with NC-AFM — •Martina Corso, Christian Lotze, and Jose Ignacio Pascual
18:30 |
O 35.2 |
Electronic regulation in the etching process for STM-tips — •Volkmar Heß, Wolfgang Rosellen, and Mathias Getzlaff
18:30 |
O 35.3 |
Developing a miniaturised device for in-situ STM tip cleaning using electron bombardment — •David Hellmann, Ludwig Worbes, and Achim Kittel
18:30 |
O 35.4 |
A sub-Kelvin facility for cross-sectional scanning tunneling spectroscopy of metal-semiconductor heterostructures — •Peter Löptien, Focko Meier, Lihui Zhou, Jens Wiebe, and Roland Wiesendanger
18:30 |
O 35.5 |
Design of a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope with integrated lenses for in-situ optical access — •Jens Kügel, Paolo Sessi, and Matthias Bode
18:30 |
O 35.6 |
Combined scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy at low temperatures — •Tobias Herden, Markus Ternes, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 35.7 |
Development of a nanoscale scanning-probe magnetometer with single spin sensitivity — •Eike Oliver Schäfer-Nolte, Friedemann Reinhard, Markus Ternes, Fedor Jelezko, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 35.8 |
Electromigration on Ag-nanowires studied down to the atomic scale — •Mark Kaspers, Alexander Bernhart, Christian Bobisch, and Rolf Möller
18:30 |
O 35.9 |
Probing the thermal near-field of thin Fe-Layers on Au(111) by NSThM — •Ludwig Worbes, David Hellmann, and Achim Kittel
18:30 |
O 35.10 |
A combined STM / FIM for tip specific tunnelling experiments — •Ben Wortmann and Rolf Möller
18:30 |
O 35.11 |
Nanoscale mapping of ion dynamics in solid electrolytes by time and space resolved electrostatic force spectroscopy — •Marvin Stiefermann, Dirk Dietzel, Bernhard Roling, and Andre Schirmeisen
18:30 |
O 35.12 |
Nano scale mechanical characterization of surfaces — •Alexander Malwin Jakob and S.G. Mayr
18:30 |
O 35.13 |
Local surface spectroscopy with STHM junction — •Georgy Kichin, Christian Weiss, Christian Wagner, Stefan Tautz, and Ruslan Temirov
18:30 |
O 35.14 |
A low-noise STM equipped with a cryogenic transimpedance amplifier — •Martin Kunz and Jörg Kröger
18:30 |
O 35.15 |
Near-field heat transfer of alkanethiol on flat gold surfaces — •Christian Olling, Ludwig Worbes, David Hellmann, and Achim Kittel
18:30 |
O 35.16 |
Design of a low temperature four-tip Scanning Tunneling Microscope — •Hubertus Junker, Vasily Cherepanov, Peter Coenen, Helmut Stollwerk, and Bert Voigtländer
18:30 |
O 35.17 |
Investigation of an operating resonant tunneling device by scanning tunneling spectroscopy — •Karen Teichmann, Martin Wenderoth, Rainer G. Ulbrich, Klaus Pierz, and Hans W. Schumacher
18:30 |
O 35.18 |
Facts and artefacts in scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy. — •Anja Krysztofinski, Marc Tobias Wenzel, Rainer Jacob, Hans-Georg von Ribbeck, and Lukas M. Eng
18:30 |
O 35.19 |
Preparation and characterization of metal coated STM tips — •Sergej Burbach, Martin Wenderoth, Bernhand Spicher, and Rainer G. Ulbrich
18:30 |
O 35.20 |
Scanning Force Microscopy up to the Millimeter Scale — Alexander Förste, •Markus Moosmann, Manuel Rothenberger, Tobias Meier, Roland Gröger, Matthias Barczewski, Stefan Walheim, and Thomas Schimmel