Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 90: Electronic structure III
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 17:15–19:30, WIL C107
17:15 |
O 90.1 |
(contribution withdrawn) Implementation of PAW method in localized-basis-set SIESTA code — •Tristana Sondon and Chu Chun Fu
17:30 |
O 90.2 |
Bulk States Confinement as a Long Range Sensor for Impurities and a Quantum Information Transfer Channel — •Pavel Ignatiev, Oleg Brovko, and Valeriy Stepanyuk
17:45 |
O 90.3 |
Work-Function Modification beyond Pinning: When Do Molecular Dipoles Count? — •Oliver T. Hofmann, David A. Egger, Gerold M. Rangger, and Egbert Zojer
18:00 |
O 90.4 |
From Molecule to Monolayer: Self-Induced Quantum-Confined Stark effect in Monolayers of Polar Molecules — •Ferdinand Rissner, David A. Egger, Amir Natan, Thomas Körzdörfer, Stephan Kümmel, Leeor Kronik, and Egbert Zojer
18:15 |
O 90.5 |
Local Electronic Structure and Surface Potential of Atomic Chains on Si(111)5x2-Au — •Ingo Barke, Stefan Polei, Kristian Sell, Viola von Oeynhausen, and Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer
18:30 |
O 90.6 |
Modification of field emission resonances by Cu and Cu/Ag islands on Ag(100) — •Christopher Zaum and Karina Morgenstern
18:45 |
O 90.7 |
Influence of Shake-Up Behaviour at Titanium Nitride Interfaces using AR-XPS — •Dominik Jaeger, Jörg Patscheider, and László Forró
19:00 |
O 90.8 |
The role of diffraction in (e,2e) experiments — •Frank O. Schumann, Zheng Wei, Rajendra Dhaka, and Jürgen Kirschner
19:15 |
O 90.9 |
Double photoemission illuminates the Auger process — •Zheng Wei, Grant van Riessen, Rajendra S. Dhaka, Carsten Winkler, Frank O. Schumann, and Jürgen Kirschner