16:30 |
Q 15.1 |
Characterization of THz generation by ionizing two-color pulses — •Christian Koehler, Eduardo Cabrera, Ihar Babushkin, Joachim Herrmann, and Stefan Skupin
16:30 |
Q 15.2 |
Hochfrequenz-Lasersysteme für die Quelle polarisierter Elektronen am Darmstädter S-DALINAC — •Martin Espig, Joachim Enders, Janina Lindemann, Markus Roth, Fabian Schneider, Markus Wagner, Antje Weber und Benjamin Zwicker
16:30 |
Q 15.3 |
Characterization of the laser-induced enhanced absorbance due to etching with LESAL — •Martin Erhhardt and Klaus Zimmer
16:30 |
Q 15.4 |
Laser generated x-ray beams from a table-top source — •Michael Schnell, Christian Peth, Björn Landgraf, Tobias Thiele, Thomas Königstein, Timur Kudyakov, Alexander Sävert, Maria Reuter, Bernhard Hidding, Monika Toncian, Toma Toncian, Matle Kaluza, Georg Pretzler, Oswald Willi, and Christian Spielmann
16:30 |
Q 15.5 |
Multimodaler Aufbau zur Kombination von OCT und CARS mit einem Ultrakurzpuls-Titan:Saphir-Laser — •Claudia Hoffmann, Bernd Hofer, Sara Rey, Angelika Unterhuber, Wolfgang Drexler und Uwe Morgner
16:30 |
Q 15.6 |
Kinetic description of laser-induced dielectric breakdown of insulators — •Nils Brouwer, Oliver Brenk, Helena Krutsch, Dieter H. H. Hoffmann, and Bärbel Rethfeld
16:30 |
Q 15.7 |
Preparation of free-standing single and few-layer Graphene for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction experiments — •Silvio Morgenstern, Christian Gerbig, Cristian Sarpe, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 15.8 |
Spectroscopy and coherent control of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals by phase-shaped femtosecond laserpulses — •Roland Wilcken, Martin Ruge, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 15.9 |
High Power THz Generation in a Thin Lithium Niobate Slab using a Non-Collinear Cherenkov-Type Geometry — •Ulrich Arthur Fromme, Benjamin Ewers, Maik Scheller, Sangam Chatterjee, and Martin Koch
16:30 |
Q 15.10 |
Erzeugung von Nanostrukturen durch 2-Photonen-Polymerisation mit einem sub-10-fs-MHz-NOPA — •Moritz Emons, Guido Palmer, Marcel Schultze, Kotaro Obata, Boris Chichkov und Uwe Morgner
16:30 |
Q 15.11 |
A high repetition rate High Harmonic Generation source for coherent XUV microscopy and electron spectroscopy — •Jürgen Schmidt, Christian Späth, Michael Hofstetter, Soo Hoon Chew, Alexander Guggenmos, Mihael Kranjec, and Ulf Kleineberg
16:30 |
Q 15.12 |
Interferometrische Vermessung von Laser-erzeugten Plasmen zur Elektronenbeschleunigung — •Maria Reuter, Alexander Sävert, Ajay Kawshik Arunachalam, Michael Schnell, Maria Nicolai, Christina Widmann, Björn Landgraf, Oliver Jäckel, Christian Spielmann, Gerhard G. Paulus und Malte C. Kaluza
16:30 |
Q 15.13 |
Einfluss der experimentellen Parameter auf die Stabilität der Laser-Wakefield-Beschleunigung von Elektronen — •Maria Nicolai, Christina Widmann, Alexander Sävert, Michael Schnell, Maria Reuter, Oliver Jäckel, Christian Spielmann, Gerhard G. Paulus und Malte C. Kaluza
16:30 |
Q 15.14 |
(contribution withdrawn) Time Resolved Electron Diffraction of a Charge Density Wave — •Eichberger Maximilian, Schäfer Hanjo, Krumova Marina, Beyer Markus, Demsar Jure, Moriena Gustavo, Sciaini German, and Miller Dwayne
16:30 |
Q 15.15 |
Broadband polarization control and preservation for scanning near-field optical microscopy — •Christoph Zeh, Ron Spittel, Sonja Unger, Jörg Opitz, Bernd Köhler, Johannes Kirchhof, Hartmut Bartelt, and Lukas M. Eng
16:30 |
Q 15.16 |
Finite element modeling of high-Q microcavities — •Dominik Floess, Tobias Grossmann, Mario Hauser, Saskia Becker, Torsten Beck, Timo Mappes, and Heinz Kalt
16:30 |
Q 15.17 |
Accurate generation of polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses with zeptosecond precision — Jens Köhler, Tim Bayer, Cristian Sarpe, •Tom Bolze, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 15.18 |
Adhering and coupling emitter-doped organic crystals to optical nanofibers — •David Papencordt, Ariane Stiebeiner, Nils Konken, Ruth Garcia-Fernandez, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 15.19 |
Phase behaviour of electro-optic liquid crystals-oil blends — •Kirstin Bornhorst, Martin Blasl, and Florenta Costache
16:30 |
Q 15.20 |
Enhanced single photon emissions from nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond — •Moritz Eyer, Helmut Fedder, Merle Becker, Robert Roßbach, Daniel Richter, Michael Jetter, Peter Michler, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:30 |
Q 15.21 |
Direct evaluation of the spatio-temporal coherence properties of free electron laser pulses at FLASH — •Sebastian Roling, Michael Wöstmann, Rolf Mitzner, Björn Siemer, Kai Tiedtke, and Helmut Zacharias
16:30 |
Q 15.22 |
Fabrication and characterization of low-loss waveguides in lithium niobate — •Benjamin Weigand, Andreas Lenhard, Mareike Stolze, Felix Rübel, Sandra Wolff, Johannes L’huillier, and Christoph Becher
16:30 |
Q 15.23 |
Cold atom cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments with ultra-high Q whispering-gallery-mode bottle microresonators — •Danny O’Shea, Christian Junge, Sebastian Nickel, Christian Hauswald, Konstantin Friebe, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 15.24 |
Full active stabilization of an evanescently coupled ultra-high Q whispering-gallery-mode microresonator-nanofiber system — •Christian Junge, Danny O'Shea, Sebastian Nickel, Konstantin Friebe, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 15.25 |
Single optical microfibre interferometer — •Konstantin Karapetyan, Wolfgang Alt, Fabian Bruse, and Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
Q 15.26 |
Point-by-point Inscription of Bragg Gratings in Coated Standard Telecommunication Fibers Using Infrared Femtosecond Laser Pulses — Jörg Burgmeier, Günter Flachenecker, •Markus Thiel, and Wolfgang Schade
16:30 |
Q 15.27 |
Development of low-loss silicon rib waveguides with 4 microns height — •Harald Richter, René Eisermann, Mirko Fraschke, Lars Zimmermann, Katrin Schulz, Marco Lisker, Wolfgang Höppner, Jürgen Drews, Georg Winzer, and Bernd Tillack
16:30 |
Q 15.28 |
Processing of Small Integrated Optical Spectrometer Devices with Femtosecond Laser Pulses — •Markus Thiel, Günter Flachenecker, Jörg Burgmeier, and Wolfgang Schade
16:30 |
Q 15.29 |
Tailoring the Single Photon Emission from Nitrogen-Vacancy Centres using Metallic Structures — •Merle Becker, Daniel Dregely, Helmut Fedder, Fedor Jelezko, Harald Giessen, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:30 |
Q 15.30 |
Phase-preserving amplitude regeneration of quadrature-amplitude-modulated signals — •Tobias Röthlingshöfer, Georgy Onishchukov, Bernhard Schmauss, and Gerd Leuchs
16:30 |
Q 15.31 |
Digital plasmonics — Bergin Gjonaj, •Jochen Aulbach, Patrick M. Johnson, Allard P. Mosk, Laurens Kuipers, and Ad Lagendijk
16:30 |
Q 15.32 |
Taper design for high Q factors in hybrid photonic wire slot microcavities — •Clemens Schriever, Christian Bohley, and Jörg Schilling
16:30 |
Q 15.33 |
Towards magnetic levitation in opto-mechanics — •Jonas Schmöle
16:30 |
Q 15.34 |
Lichtstreuung an einem atomaren Dipol in einem optomechanischen Resonator — •Daniel Breyer, Giovanna Morigi und Marc Bienert
16:30 |
Q 15.35 |
A table-top demonstration of radiation pressure — •Dilek Demir, Garrett D. Cole, and Markus Aspelmeyer
16:30 |
Q 15.36 |
Light-induced entanglement between vibrational modes in nanostructures — •Michael Schmidt, Max Ludwig, and Florian Marquardt
16:30 |
Q 15.37 |
Effects of ultrastrong light-mechanics coupling — •Andreas Kronwald, Max Ludwig, and Florian Marquardt
16:30 |
Q 15.38 |
Dipole force driven mechanical oscillation of a silica nanofiber — •Christian Wuttke, Christian Wagner, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 15.39 |
One- and Two-Photon Scattering in a Disordered 1D Quantum System — •Jochen Zimmermann, Thomas Wellens, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 15.40 |
Faserverstärker basierter Ersatz für einen Ar+-Laser — •Benjamin Rein, Tobias Beck und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 15.41 |
Diodengepumpte Femtosekunden-Laser geschriebene Kanal-Wellenleiterlaser in Yb:YAG-Kristallen — •Thomas Calmano, Jörg Siebenmorgen, Klaus Petermann und Günter Huber
16:30 |
Q 15.42 |
Er3+-Doped YVO4 Laser Emitting around 1.6 µm — Christian Brandt, •Francesca Moglia, Klaus Petermann, and Günter Huber
16:30 |
Q 15.43 |
Ein universeller, VCSEL-geseedeter ns-Ti:Sa Laser mit (fourierlimitierten Pulsen und) großer spektraler Abdeckung — •Suleiman Amiri, Simon Metzendorf, Thorsten Führer, Alexander Bertz und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 15.44 |
Effiziente Pr3+:YLF-Laser im Dauerstrich-Betrieb bei den Wellenlängen 522,6 nm, 545,9 nm, 607,2 nm und 639,5 nm — •Teoman Gün, Philip Metz und Günter Huber
16:30 |
Q 15.45 |
mode interaction in ZnO random lasers — •Janos Sartor, Daniel Schneider, Felix Eilers, Dirk Silber, Claus Klingshirn, and Heinz Kalt
16:30 |
Q 15.46 |
Aktive Regelung und Kontrolle der Linienbreite eines ECDLs — •Thorsten Führer und Thomas Walther
16:30 |
Q 15.47 |
Effect of detuning in Fourier domain mode locked lasers on the performance of optical coherence tomography — •Lars Kirsten, Julia Walther, Peter Cimalla, Sven Meissner, Mirko Mehner, and Edmund Koch
16:30 |
Q 15.48 |
Induzierte spontane Lasertätigkeit in Quecksilber durch Zweiphotonenanregung — •Daniel Kolbe, Andreas Koglbauer, Ruth Steinborn und Jochen Walz
16:30 |
Q 15.49 |
Dauerstrich optisch parametrischer Oszillator zur Erzeugung von Terahertzstrahlung und Kombination mit einem Photomischer zur kohärenten Detektion* — •Jens Kiessling, Rosita Sowade, Karsten Buse und Ingo Breunig
16:30 |
Q 15.50 |
Unequal spacing of attosecond pulse trains from relativistic surface high harmonic generation — •Jana Bierbach, Christian Rödel, Michael Behmke, Daniel an der Brügge, Martin Heyer, Matthias Kübel, Monika Toncian, Dirk Hemmers, Oliver Jäckel, Toma Toncian, Oswald Willi, Alexander Pukhov, Georg Pretzler, and Gerhard Paulus
16:30 |
Q 15.51 |
Efficiency of surface high harmonic radiation generated with a table-top terawatt laser — •Silvio Fuchs, Christian Rödel, Michael Behmke, Erich Eckner, Jana Bierbach, Wolfgang Ziegler, Oliver Jäckel, Georg Pretzler, and Gerhard Paulus
16:30 |
Q 15.52 |
Gekoppelte Ringresonatoren mit Tapered Amplifier und miniaturisiertem SHG Resonator zur effizienten Frequenzverdopplung auf 488 nm — •Danilo Skoczowsky, Andreas Jechow, Axel Heuer und Ralf Menzel
16:30 |
Q 15.53 |
Thomson backscattering on laser-accelerated relativistic electron sheets — •Stephan Kuschel, Christian Rödel, Athena Paz, Oliver Jäckel, Malte Kaluza, and Gerhard Paulus
16:30 |
Q 15.54 |
Continuous wave Lyman-α (121.56 nm) generation by four-wave mixing in mercury — •Matthias Sattler, Daniel Kolbe, Andreas Koglbauer, Thomas Diehl, Matthias Stappel, Anna Beczkowiak, and Jochen Walz
16:30 |
Q 15.55 |
Frequency-Quadrupled 285nm Diode Laser System for Photoionization of Mg using LBO as a Second Harmonic Generation Crystal — •Stephan Duewel, Martin Enderlein, Thomas Huber, Johannes Stroehle, Christian Schneider, and Tobias Schaetz
16:30 |
Q 15.56 |
Intracavity absorption spectroscopy with an Er3+-doped fiber ring laser — •Peter Fjodorow, Luis Leal, Benjamin Löhden, Klaus Sengstock, and Valeri Baev
16:30 |
Q 15.57 |
Aufbau eines Integrated-Cavity-Output-Spektrometers im mittleren Infrarot — •Lars Czerwinski, Kathrin Heinrich, Marcus Sowa und Peter Hering
16:30 |
Q 15.58 |
Flow measurements by the phase-resolved Doppler OCT and the signal power decrease in Spectral Domain OCT — •Julia Walther and Edmund Koch
16:30 |
Q 15.59 |
High-resolution Optical Nanospectrometers for Medical Applications using Substrate Conformal Imprint Lithography as Novel 3D Fabrication Technique — •Alla Albrecht, Xiaolin Wang, Hanh H. Mai, Timo Schotzko, Imran Memon, Martin Bartels, and Hartmut Hillmer
16:30 |
Q 15.60 |
Novel Technology for Highly Sensitive Gas Sensors — •Sven Blom, Mahamoud Ahmad, Jyoti Shrestha, Nico Storch, Usman Masud, Sandra Schink, Basim Kudhair, and Hartmut Hillmer
16:30 |
Q 15.61 |
Laser-induced front side etching of fused silica with KrF excimer laser using thin metal layers — •Pierre Lorenz and Klaus Zimmer
16:30 |
Q 15.62 |
Carrier-envelope phase stabilized 9.3 fs, 0.54 mJ pulses at 1.8 µm — Ding Wang, •Canhua Xu, Liwei Song, Chuang Li, Chuanmei Zhang, Yansui Huang, Xiaowei Chen, Yuxin Leng, Ruxin Li, and Zhizhan Xu
16:30 |
Q 15.63 |
New Beamline for applied High Harmonics Spectroscopy — •Jochen Vieker, Hatem Dachraoui, Martin Michelswirth, Tobias Milde, and Ulrich Heinzmann
16:30 |
Q 15.64 |
Untersuchungen zur spektralen Emissionscharakteristik von PLD deponierten laseraktiven Materialien — •Mathias Hoffmann, Stefan Schrameyer, Mark Gyamfi, Holger Blaschke, Detlev Ristau und Uwe Morgner
16:30 |
Q 15.65 |
Ultrashort laser pulse characterization based on a pulse shaping device — •Stefanie Züllighoven, Jens Köhler, Tillmann Kalas, Cristian Sarpe, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:30 |
Q 15.66 |
New kind of single-shot pulse length measurement of intense few-cycle laser pulses — •T. Rathje, A. M. Sayler, W. Müller, C. Kürbis, K. Rühle, G. Stibenz, and G. G. Paulus
16:30 |
Q 15.67 |
Single-shot carrier-envelope phase tagged non-sequential double ionization of argon in intense 4-fs laser fields — •A. M. Sayler, T. Rathje, W. Müller, K. Rühle, G. G. Paulus, Nora G. Johnson, O. Herrwerth, A. Wirth, S. De, I. Ben-Itzhak, M. Lezius, B. Bergues, A. Senftleben, C. D. Schröter, R. Moshammer, J. Ullrich, K. J. Betsch, R. R. Jones, and M. Kling
16:30 |
Q 15.68 |
Precision measurement of carrier-envelope phase dependent ATI spectra for the noble gases using phase-tagging technique — •Dominik Hoff, Stefan Fasold, Tim Rathje, Walter Müller, Klaus Rühle, A. M. Sayler, and G. G. Paulus
16:30 |
Q 15.69 |
Pulsformer für Pulsspektren mit 1,5 Oktaven von VIS bis NIR — •Anne Harth, Marcel Schultze, Stefan Rausch und Uwe Morgner
16:30 |
Q 15.70 |
Frequency comb stabilization with zero phase slip frequency for high repetition rate carrier envelope sensitive experiments — •Matthias Hensen, Christian Strüber, and Walter Pfeiffer
16:30 |
Q 15.71 |
Monochromatizing a Femtosecond High-Order Harmonic VUV Photon Source with Reflective Off-Axis Zone Plates — •Mateusz Ibek, Torsten Leitner, Alexander Firsov, Alexei Erko, and Philippe Wernet
16:30 |
Q 15.72 |
Optical vortex supercontinuum and topological charge transfer — •Peter Hansinger, Alexander Dreischuh, Georgi Maleshkov, and Gerhard Georg Paulus
16:30 |
Q 15.73 |
Low-threshold conical microcavity dye lasers — •Saskia Becker, Tobias Grossmann, Mario Hauser, Dominik Floess, Torsten Beck, Timo Mappes, and Heinz Kalt
16:30 |
Q 15.74 |
Toroid microcavity based frequency combs for optical telecommunication — •Marcel Dornbusch, Florian Bach, Mario Hauser, Jörg Pfeifle, Torsten Beck, Tobias Grossmann, Christian Koos, and Heinz Kalt
16:30 |
Q 15.75 |
Photonic Phase Gate via an Exchange of Fermionic Spin Waves in a Spin Chain — •Johannes Otterbach, Alexey V. Gorskov, Eugene Demler, Michael Flesichhauer, and Mikhail D. Lukin
16:30 |
Q 15.76 |
Radiative corrections in strong field QED in intense laser fields — •Sebastian Meuren and Antonino Di Piazza
16:30 |
Q 15.77 |
Robustness of trapping states in microwave cavity QED. — •Christian Arenz and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 15.78 |
An optical cavity with a strongly focused mode — •Kadir Durak, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Brenda Chng, Gleb Maslennikov, and Christian Kurtsiefer
16:30 |
Q 15.79 |
Theoretical aspects of the QFEL — •Rainer Endrich, Enno Giese, Matthias Knobl, Paul Preiss, Roland Sauerbrey, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 15.80 |
Storing the collective positronium atoms with laser field — •Ni Cui, Mihai Macovei, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
Q 15.81 |
Plasmon-mediated interaction and level shifts of atoms: a Green's function approach — •David Dzsotjan and Michael Fleischhauer
16:30 |
Q 15.82 |
Time-Continuous Measurements and Non-Markovian Open Quantum Systems — •Sven Krönke and Walter T. Strunz
16:30 |
Q 15.83 |
Dynamical cooling of a single-reservoir open quantum system via optimal control — •Rebecca Schmidt, Jürgen T. Stockburger, and Joachim Ankerhold
16:30 |
Q 15.84 |
Entanglement of motion with optimal control — •Thomas Stefan Häberle and Matthias Freyberger
16:30 |
Q 15.85 |
Bose-Einstein Condensation and QND Measurements in a Crossed Optical Cavity — •Ralf Kohlhaas, Thomas Vanderbruggen, Simon Bernon, Andrea Bertoldi, Philipp Bouyer, Arnaud Landragin, and Alain Aspect
16:30 |
Q 15.86 |
Entanglement Control via Magnetic Fields in Solid Systems — •Vivian França and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 15.87 |
Photosynthesis and quantum mechanical transport processes — •Dominic Wörner and Jörg Evers
16:30 |
Q 15.88 |
Self-focusing and defocusing of twisted light in non-linear media. — •Anita Thakur and Jamal Berakdar
16:30 |
Q 15.89 |
Atom-Photon Entanglement in Cavity QED with a Single Calcium Ion — •Bernardo Casabone, Andreas Stute, Birgit Brandstätter, Diana Habicher, Johannes Ghetta, Andrew McClung, Tracy Northup, and Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 15.90 |
Classical and quantum radiation reaction effects in intense laser fields — •Omri Har-Shemesh, Antonino Di Piazza, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
Q 15.91 |
Imaging, Addressing and State Detection of Two Ions in an Optical Cavity — •Diana Habicher, Andreas Stute, Bernardo Casabone, Birgit Brandstätter, Johannes Ghetta, Andrew McClung, Tracy Northup, and Rainer Blatt
16:30 |
Q 15.92 |
Zeta States in Phase Space — •Cornelia Feiler and Wolfgang P. Schleich