Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 2: Quantum Gases: Bosons 1
Montag, 14. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, HÜL 386
10:30 |
Q 2.1 |
Two-point density correlations of quasicondensates in free expansion — •Stephanie Manz, Robert Bücker, Thomas Betz, Christian Koller, Igor Mazets, Aurelién Perrin, Thorsten Schumm, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
10:45 |
Q 2.2 |
From Rotating Atomic Rings to Quantum Hall States — Marco Roncaglia, •Matteo Rizzi, and Jean Dalibard
11:00 |
Q 2.3 |
Bose-Einstein condensates in optical micro-potentials — •Johannes Küber, Thomas Lauber, Martin Hasch, Oliver Wille, and Gerhard Birkl
11:15 |
Q 2.4 |
Bogoliubov theory of disordered Bose-Einstein condensates — •Christopher Gaul and Cord A. Müller
11:30 |
Q 2.5 |
Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in an optical microcavity — •Jan Klärs, Julian Schmitt, Frank Vewinger, and Martin Weitz
11:45 |
Q 2.6 |
Quantum phases of polar bosons in ladder-like lattices — •Xiaolong Deng and Luis Santos
12:00 |
Q 2.7 |
Probing carbon nanotube with cold gases — •Mathias Schneider and Reinhold Walser
12:15 |
Q 2.8 |
Scaling laws of turbulent ultracold bosons — •Boris Nowak, Maximilian Schmidt, Jan Schole, Denes Sexty, and Thomas Gasenzer
12:30 |
Q 2.9 |
Transition to quasi-condensation in a low-D Bose gas — •Carsten Henkel, Antonio Negretti, Stuart P. Cockburn, and Nikolaos Proukakis
12:45 |
Q 2.10 |
Numerical simulations on space-time lattices for macroscopic quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive 1/r-interaction — •Pascal Wieland, Jörg Main, and Günter Wunner