Q 20: Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods 3
Dienstag, 15. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, SCH A118
10:30 |
Q 20.1 |
Experimental investigation of the uncertainty principle using entangled photons — •Robert Prevedel, Deny Hamel, Roger Colbeck, Kent Fisher, and Kevin Resch
10:45 |
Q 20.2 |
Reconstructing CV-Quantum Optical States by Compressed Sensing — •Vincent Nesme, Matthias Ohliger, David Gross, and Jens Eisert
11:00 |
Q 20.3 |
Taming multiparticle entanglement — •Bastian Jungnitsch, Tobias Moroder, and Otfried Gühne
11:15 |
Q 20.4 |
Measuring entanglement in condensed matter systems — •Marcus Cramer, Martin Plenio, and Harald Wunderlich
11:30 |
Q 20.5 |
Entanglement detection in systems of spin-j particles with collective observables — •Giuseppe Vitagliano and Géza Tóth
11:45 |
Q 20.6 |
Volume law scaling of entanglement entropy in spin-1/2 chains. — •Giuseppe Vitagliano, Arnau Riera, and José Ignacio Latorre
12:00 |
Q 20.7 |
Robust and Fragile Entanglement in Qubit Environments — •Jaroslav Novotny, Gernot Alber, and Igor Jex
12:15 |
Q 20.8 |
Permutationally Invariant Quantum Tomography — •Géza Tóth, Witlef Wieczorek, David Gross, Roland Krischek, Christian Schwemmer, and Harald Weinfurter
12:30 |
Q 20.9 |
Permutationally invariant tomography of a four qubit symmetric Dicke state — •Christian Schwemmer, Géza Tóth, Witlef Wieczorek, David Gross, Roland Krischek, and Harald Weinfurter
12:45 |
Q 20.10 |
Simulation of relativistic effects with ultracold atoms in bichromatic optical lattices — •Christopher Grossert, Tobias Salger, Sebastian Kling, and Martin Weitz