Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 22: Ultrakurze Laserpulse: Anwendungen 1
Dienstag, 15. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, SCH A01
10:30 |
Q 22.1 |
Erzeugung Harmonischer Strahlung mit Goldnanoantennen — •Nils Pfullmann, Carsten Clever, Christian Waltermann, Milutin Kovacev, Tobias Hanke, Rudolf Bratschitsch, Alfred Leitenstorfer und Uwe Morgner
10:45 |
Q 22.2 |
Generation and characterization of femtosecond-laser induced nanostructures on thin gold films — •Conny Axel Hulverscheidt, Martin Reininghaus, and Dirk Wortmann
11:00 |
Q 22.3 |
Zeptosecond precision pulse shaping — •Jens Köhler, Matthias Wollenhaupt, Tim Bayer, Cristian Sarpe, and Thomas Baumert
11:15 |
Q 22.4 |
Parametervariation femtosekunden-geschriebener Wellenleiter in YAG-Kristallen — •Anna-Greta Paschke, Thomas Calmano, Jörg Siebenmorgen, Klaus Petermann und Günter Huber
11:30 |
Q 22.5 |
Superresolved femtosecond nanosurgery of cells — •Matthias Pospiech, Moritz Emons, Kai Kütemeyer, Alexander Heisterkamp, and Uwe Morgner
11:45 |
Q 22.6 |
Combining fs-pulse tailoring and self-phase modulation for nonlinear microscopy — •Tillmann Kalas, Jens Köhler, Cristian Sarpe-Tudoran, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
12:00 |
Q 22.7 |
Optimization of Characteristic X-Ray Emission Generated by sub-10-fs Laser Pulses — •Fabian Gaussmann, Dirk Hemmers, and Georg Pretzler
12:15 |
Q 22.8 |
Ultra-broadband third-harmonic generation in fs-filamentation — •Tobias Vockerodt, Daniel Steingrube, Emilia Schulz, Milutin Kovačev, and Uwe Morgner
12:30 |
Q 22.9 |
Application of the multiple rate equation — •Oliver Brenk, Nils Brouwer, and Bärbel Rethfeld
12:45 |
Q 22.10 |
Monochromatizing a Femtosecond High-Order Harmonic VUV Photon Source with Reflective Off-Axis Zone Plates — •Mateusz Ibek, Torsten Leitner, Alexander Firsov, Alexei Erko, and Philippe Wernet