18:00 |
Q 23.1 |
Entanglement dynamics of multi-qubit states in single- and many-sided noisy channels — •Michael Siomau and Stephan Fritzsche
18:00 |
Q 23.2 |
Entanglement Dynamics in Harmonic Oscillator Chains — •Razmik Unanyan and Michael Fleischhauer
18:00 |
Q 23.3 |
Entanglement and Thouless time from coincidence measurements across disordered media — •Nicolas Cherroret and Andreas Buchleitner
18:00 |
Q 23.4 |
Scalable quantum computation via local control of only two qubits — •Daniel Burgarth, Koji Maruyama, Michael Murphy, Simone Montangero, Tommaso Calarco, Franco Nori, and Martin Plenio
18:00 |
Q 23.5 |
Estimating mixed qudits: hedging and adaption — •Christof Happ, Florian Nägele, and Matthias Freyberger
18:00 |
Q 23.6 |
Cyclic Mutually Unbiased Bases and the Fibonacci Sequence — •Ulrich Seyfarth, Kedar Ranade, and Gernot Alber
18:00 |
Q 23.7 |
Designing Ideal Hamiltonian Qubit Dynamics by Dynamical Recoupling — •Holger Frydrych and Gernot Alber
18:00 |
Q 23.8 |
Local Entropy Flow in Qubit Networks Under Random Controlled Unitary Transformations — •Jaroslav Novotny, Gernot Alber, and Igor Jex
18:00 |
Q 23.9 |
Noise Spectrum Analysis at the NV center in diamond — •Konstantin Schukraft, Florian Rempp, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
18:00 |
Q 23.10 |
Illustrating the Geometry of Quantum Channels — •Corey O'Meara, Gunther Dirr, and Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen
18:00 |
Q 23.11 |
Quantum information transfer with trapped-ion antennae — •Regina Lechner, Maximilian Harlander, Michael Brownnutt, Rainer Blatt, and Wolfgang Hänsel
18:00 |
Q 23.12 |
Measurement Based Quantum Computing with Optical Superlattices — •Alexander Kegeles, Mathis Friesdorf, Jonas Hörsch, Matthias Ohliger, David Gross, and Jens Eisert
18:00 |
Q 23.13 |
Entanglement-Enhanced Classical Communication over a Noisy Classical Channel — •Robert Prevedel, Yang Lu, Will Matthews, Rainer Kaltenbaek, and Kevin Resch
18:00 |
Q 23.14 |
Aufbau eines QKD-Setups mit passiver Zustandspräparation — •Tobias Diehl, Sabine Euler, Jan Hendrik Abel, Mathias Sinther und Thomas Walther
18:00 |
Q 23.15 |
Quantum Key Distribution on Hanover Campus — •Vitus Händchen, Tobias Eberle, Jörg Duhme, Torsten Franz, Roman Schnabel, and Reinhard Werner
18:00 |
Q 23.16 |
Efficient entanglement purification protocol using chains of atoms and optical cavities — •Denis Gonta and Peter van Loock
18:00 |
Q 23.17 |
Aufbau einer Zwei-Photonen-Quelle — •Sabine Euler, Mathias Sinther und Thomas Walther
18:00 |
Q 23.18 |
Quantum key distribution on Hanover Campus: Theory — •Jörg Duhme, Torsten Franz, Reinhard F. Werner, Vitus Händchen, Tobias Eberle, and Roman Schnabel
18:00 |
Q 23.19 |
Laser-Assisted Bell Measurements and Spontaneous Decay Processes — •Jozsef Zsolt Bernad and Gernot Alber
18:00 |
Q 23.20 |
Fabrication and characterisation of tailored waveguide PDC sources in RPE:PPLN for quantum communication — •Stephan Krapick, Hubertus Suche, Harald Herrmann, Raimund Ricken, Viktor Quiring, Christine Silberhorn, and Wolfgang Sohler
18:00 |
Q 23.21 |
Improving entanglement based quantum key distribution through turbulent atmosphere — •Bettina Heim, Chris Erven, Raymond Laflamme, Gregor Weihs, and Thomas Jennewein
18:00 |
Q 23.22 |
Quantifying effective entanglement in a continuous-variables QKD system — •Imran Khan, Christoffer Wittmann, Nitin Jain, Josef Fürst, Nathan Killoran, Norbert Lütkenhaus, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
18:00 |
Q 23.23 |
Coherent Rydberg Excitation in Thermal Microcells — •Renate Daschner, Harald Kübler, Bernhard Huber, Thomas Baluktsian, Andreas Kölle, James P. Shaffer, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
18:00 |
Q 23.24 |
Towards an efficient quantum memory using atomic vapour — •Tobias Latka, Andreas Neuzner, Eden Figueroa, and Gerhard Rempe
18:00 |
Q 23.25 |
A Bose-Einstein Condensate as Quantum Memory for Optical Polarisation Qubits — •Christoph Vo, Matthias Lettner, Martin Mücke, Stefan Riedl, Carolin Hahn, Simon Baur, Jörg Bochmann, Stephan Ritter, Stephan Dürr, and Gerhard Rempe
18:00 |
Q 23.26 |
Non-linear optics using single-atom cavity Electromagnetically Induced Transparency — •Eden Figueroa, Celso J. Villas-Boas, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
18:00 |
Q 23.27 |
Optical nanofibers in ion-traps — •Jan Petersen, Benjamin Ames, Michael Brownnutt, Rainer Blatt, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
18:00 |
Q 23.28 |
Implementation of quantum error correction protocols in a small quantum register — •Matthias Nitsche, Matthias Steiner, Gerald Waldherr, Philipp Neumann, Fedor Jelezko, and Joerg Wrachtrup
18:00 |
Q 23.29 |
Quantum information processing with atoms in arrays of dipole potentials — •Sascha Tichelmann, Malte Schlosser, Jens Kruse, and Gerhard Birkl
18:00 |
Q 23.30 |
Spin-Spin interaction in impurity doped ion crystal — •Peter Ivanov, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Jens Welzel, Niels Kurz, Frank Ziesel, Max Hettrich, Ulrich Poschinger, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
18:00 |
Q 23.31 |
Towards a universal, single-atom based quantum interconnect — •Andreas Reiserer, Holger Specht, Christian Nölleke, Manuel Uphoff, Eden Figueroa, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
18:00 |
Q 23.32 |
State manipulation of single atoms in a high-finesse optical cavity — •Manuel Uphoff, Christian Nölleke, Andreas Reiserer, Holger Specht, Eden Figueroa, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
18:00 |
Q 23.33 |
Qubit-Auslese mit einer EMCCD-Kamera — •Alex Wiens, Ulrich Poschinger, Andreas Walther, Frank Ziesel, Kilian Singer und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
18:00 |
Q 23.34 |
Interfacing Ions with Nanofibres — •Benjamin Ames, Michael Brownnutt, Jan Petersen, Arno Rauschenbeutel, and Rainer Blatt
18:00 |
Q 23.35 |
Aufbau zur Erzeugung von Mikrowellensignalen mit phasenkohärenter Frequenzumschaltung — •T. F. Gloger, M. Johanning, A. Khromova, Chr. Piltz, B. Scharfenberger, A. Varón und Chr. Wunderlich
18:00 |
Q 23.36 |
Direct Characterization of Quantum Dynamics in a system of 40Ca+ - ions — •Daniel Nigg, Julio T. Barreiro, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Michael Chwalla, Stefan Quint, Markus Hennrich, and Rainer Blatt
18:00 |
Q 23.37 |
Entangled photons at 780 nm and 795 nm from a single atom — •Joerg Bochmann, Martin Mücke, Carolin Hahn, Andreas Neuzner, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
18:00 |
Q 23.38 |
Efficient single-mode fiber coupling of photons from a single ion — •Christoph Kurz, Jan Huwer, Michael Schug, José Brito, Philipp Müller, Joyee Ghosh, and Jürgen Eschner
18:00 |
Q 23.39 |
Fast and stable laser pulses using EOM for quantum information — •Stephan Quint, Daniel Nigg, Philipp Schindler, Markus Hennrich, and Rainer Blatt
18:00 |
Q 23.40 |
Phase transitions in ion chains — •Luis Rico Pérez and James R. Anglin
18:00 |
Q 23.41 |
Entanglement between two remotely trapped atoms — •N. Ortegel, J. Hofmann, M. Krug, F. Henkel, W. Rosenfeld, M. Weber, and H. Weinfurter
18:00 |
Q 23.42 |
Towards quantum simulations in a two-dimensional lattice of ions — •Christian Schneider, Johannes Stroehle, Martin Enderlein, Thomas Huber, Stephan Duewel, and Tobias Schaetz
18:00 |
Q 23.43 |
Microstructured ion traps for microwave-based quantum information — •Muhammad Tanveer Baig, Thomas Collath, Michael Johanning, Delia Kaufmann, and Christof Wunderlich
18:00 |
Q 23.44 |
Opical Trapping of an Ion - Results and Perspectives — •Thomas Huber, Martin Enderlein, Christian Schneider, Stephan Duewel, Johannes Stroehle, and Tobias Schaetz
18:00 |
Q 23.45 |
Spin and spin-lattice relaxation in isotopically pure diamond — •Jan Honert, Helmut Fedder, Michael Klas, Junichi Isoya, Matthew Markham, Daniel Twitchen, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
18:00 |
Q 23.46 |
Trapping of ions in a deep parabolic mirror — •Robert Maiwald, Andrea Golla, Benoît Chalopin, Martin Fischer, Alessandro S. Villar, Markus Sondermann, and Gerd Leuchs
18:00 |
Q 23.47 |
Towards Continuous Variable Quantum Information with trapped Ions — •Felix Just, Alessandro S. Villar, and Gerd Leuchs
18:00 |
Q 23.48 |
Generation of a light mode that couples efficiently to a dipole transition — •Andrea Golla, Benoît Chalopin, Robert Maiwald, Irina Harder, Markus Sondermann, and Gerd Leuchs
18:00 |
Q 23.49 |
Coherent spin dynamics in isotopically pure diamond — •Helmut Fedder, Jan Honert, Michael Klas, Florian Dolde, Junichi Isoya, Matthew Markham, Daniel Twitchen, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
18:00 |
Q 23.50 |
Trapped ions as quantum bits: Essential numerical tools — •Kilian Singer, Ulrich G. Poschinger, Michael Murphy, Frank Ziesel, Tommaso Callarco, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
18:00 |
Q 23.51 |
Ultra-bright and compact fibre coupled single photon source based on a defect centre in diamond using a solid immersion lens — •Friedemann Gädeke, Tim Schröder, and Oliver Benson
18:00 |
Q 23.52 |
Quantum interference and non-locality of independent photons from disparate sources — •Ralph Wiegner, Joachim von Zanthier, and Girish Agarwal
18:00 |
Q 23.53 |
Interaction of two-level atoms with circularly polarized light — •Armen Hayrapetyan and Stephan Fritzsche
18:00 |
Q 23.54 |
How well can photons change their colour - about the efficiency of single photon frequency down-conversion — •Susanne Blum, Georgina Olivares-Rentería, Carlo Ottaviani, Sebastian Zaske, Christoph Becher, and Giovanna Morigi
18:00 |
Q 23.55 |
Towards coupling of a single N-V center in diamond to a fiber based micro- cavity — •Roland Albrecht, Christian Deutsch, Jakob Reichel, Tim Schröder, Rico Henze, Oliver Benson, and Christoph Becher
18:00 |
Q 23.56 |
Optimal pulse shaping for excitation of single atoms in free-space. — •Dao Hoang Lan, Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Brenda Chng, Gleb Maslennikov, and Christian Kurtsiefer
18:00 |
Q 23.57 |
Probing the Wigner function of pulsed single photons point-by-point — Kaisa Laiho, •Georg Harder, Katiuscia N. Cassemiro, David Gross, and Christine Silberhorn
18:00 |
Q 23.58 |
An optimized 1560nm polarization squeezer for quantum information protocols — •Christian Gabriel, Joel F. Corney, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
18:00 |
Q 23.59 |
Einfluss der Photonenstatistik auf die Kalibrierung von Einzelphotonendetektoren — •Waldemar Schmunk, Silke Peters, Mark Rodenberger, Helmuth Hofer und Stefan Kück
18:00 |
Q 23.60 |
Correlation measurements on optical fields from a Whispering Gallery Mode Optical Parametric Oscillator — •Gerhard Schunk, Josef Fürst, Dmitry Strekalov, Michael Förtsch, Ulrik L. Anderson, Andrea Aiello, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs