10:30 |
Q 26.1 |
Scalable architecture for quantum information processing with neutral atoms — •Malte Schlosser, Sascha Tichelmann, Jens Kruse, and Gerhard Birkl
11:00 |
Q 26.2 |
Coherent Shaping of Photons using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency — •Andreas Neuzner, Eden Figueroa, and Gerhard Rempe
11:15 |
Q 26.3 |
Charge states of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond unraveled by single shot NMR — •Gerald Waldherr, Johannes Beck, Matthias Steiner, Philipp Neumann, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
11:30 |
Q 26.4 |
Heisenberg limited phase estimation of the electron spin of the the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond — Ressa Said, Johannes Beck, Gerald Waldherr, •Philipp Neumann, Fedor Jelezko, Jason Twamley, and Jörg Wrachtrup
11:45 |
Q 26.5 |
Towards a single-atom quantum memory — •Christian Nölleke, Holger Specht, Andreas Reiserer, Manuel Uphoff, Eden Figueroa, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
12:00 |
Q 26.6 |
Kernspins kalter Ionen als Quantenregister — •Michael Johanning, Kunling Wang, Mang Feng und Christof Wunderlich
12:15 |
Q 26.7 |
Quantum computing with magnetic field insensitive dressed states — •I. Baumgart, N. Timoney, A. Retzker, A.F. Varón, M. Johanning, M. Plenio, and C. Wunderlich
12:30 |
Q 26.8 |
Pulsed coherent Rydberg excitation in a thermal gas of Rb — •Bernhard Huber, Thomas Baluktsian, Andreas Kölle, Harald Kübler, Michael Schlagmüller, Renate Daschner, Alban Urvoy, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
12:45 |
Q 26.9 |
Optimal Controlled Phasegates for Trapped Neutral Atoms at the Quantum Speed Limit — •Michael Goerz, Tommaso Calarco, and Christiane P. Koch