10:30 |
Q 27.1 |
Ultracold chemistry and dipolar collisions in a quantum gas of polar molecules — •Silke Ospelkaus, Amodsen Chotia, Marcio de Miranda, Brian Neyenhuis, Kang-Kuen Ni, Dajun Wang, Jun Ye, and Deborah Jin
11:00 |
Q 27.2 |
Finite temperature interactions between cold atoms and nanostructures — Johannes Märkle, Benjamin Jetter, Philipp Schneeweiß, Michael Gierling, Gabriela Visanescu, Peter Federsel, Dieter Kern, Andreas Günther, József Fortagh, and •Thomas Judd
11:15 |
Q 27.3 |
Dark solitons near the Mott-insulator–superfluid phase transition — •Konstantin Krutitsky, Jonas Larson, and Maciej Lewenstein
11:30 |
Q 27.4 |
Overview of laser cooling of relativistic C3+ ion beams at ESR — •Michael Bussmann, Franziska Kroll, Markus Löser, Matthias Siebold, Ulrich Schramm, Weiqiang Wen, Daniel F.A. Winters, Tobias Beck, Benjamin Rein, Thomas Walther, Gerhard Birkl, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Thomas Kühl, Christian Novotny, Christophor Kozhuharov, Christopher Geppert, Markus Steck, Christina Dimopoulou, Fritz Nolden, Xinwen Ma, and Thomas Stöhlker
11:45 |
Q 27.5 |
Stability and elementary excitations of a dipolar Bose gas in a 1D optical lattice — •Mattia Jona - Lasinio, Luis Santos, Stefan Mueller, Juliette Billy, Emanuel Henn, Holger Kadau, Philipp Weinmann, David Peter, and Tilman Pfau
12:00 |
Q 27.6 |
Stability of a Dipolar Quantum Gas in a 1D Optical Lattice — •Stefan Mueller, Juliette Billy, Emanuel Henn, Holger Kadau, Philipp Weinmann, David Peter, Mattia Jona Lasinio, Luis Santos, and Tilman Pfau
12:15 |
Q 27.7 |
Controlled Charge Transport in lattice confined Alkaline-Earth Gases — •Rick Mukherjee, Alexander Eisfeld, Igor Lesanovsky, and Thomas Pohl
12:30 |
Q 27.8 |
Mixing and de-mixing of dressed condensates — •Eike Nicklas, Helmut Strobel, Christian Gross, Tilman Zibold, Jiri Tomkovic, and Markus K Oberthaler