Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 39: Quantum Control
Mittwoch, 16. März 2011, 16:30–18:15, TOE 317
16:30 |
Q 39.1 |
Direct mid-infrared femtosecond pulse shaping with a calomel acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter — •Patrick Nuernberger, Raman Maksimenka, Kevin F. Lee, Adeline Bonvalet, Thibault Vieille, Cestmir Barta, Miloš Klima, Thomas Oksenhendler, Pierre Tournois, Daniel Kaplan, and Manuel Joffre
16:45 |
Q 39.2 |
Femtosecond Pulse-Shaping and Characterization in the Mid-Infrared — •Rene Costard, Christian Greve, Erik T. J. Nibbering, and Thomas Elsaesser
17:00 |
Q 39.3 |
The von Neumann representation as a parameterization for polarization-shaped laser pulses — •Stefan Ruetzel, Anja Krischke, Tobias Brixner, and David J. Tannor
17:15 |
Q 39.4 |
Resonant Strong-Field Control of Electron Dynamics in K2 — Tim Bayer, •Hendrike Braun, Cristian Sarpe, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
17:30 |
Q 39.5 |
Product control of conical intersection driven photochemical reactions by steering electronic wavepackets — •Philipp von den Hoff and Regina de Vivie-Riedle
17:45 |
Q 39.6 |
Efficient and robust strong-field control of populationtransfer in sensitizer dyes with designed femtosecond laser pulses — Johannes Schneider, •Matthias Wollenhaupt, Andreas Winzenburg, Tim Bayer, Jens Köhler, Rüdiger Faust, and Thomas Baumert
18:00 |
Q 39.7 |
Prospects of Incoherent Control by Continuous Measurements — •Felix Platzer and Klaus Hornberger