Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 4: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC I
Montag, 14. März 2011, 10:30–12:45, BAR 106
10:30 |
Q 4.1 |
Scattering of a polarizable atom by an absorbing nanowire — •Martin Fink, Johannes Eiglsperger, Harald Friedrich, and Javier Madroñero
10:45 |
Q 4.2 |
Universality of s-wave scattering phase shifts beyond the effective-range expansion — •Alexander Kaiser, Tim-Oliver Müller, and Harald Friedrich
11:00 |
Q 4.3 |
Three bosons in two dimensions — •Kerstin Helfrich and Hans-Werner Hammer
11:15 |
Q 4.4 |
Interaction Driven Interband Tunneling of Bosons in the Triple Well — •Lushuai Cao, Ioannis Brouzos, Sascha Zöllner, and Peter Schmelcher
11:30 |
Q 4.5 |
A fundamental limit to spin-exchange optical pumping of 3He nuclei — •H.R. Sadeghpour, T.V. Tscherbul, P. Zhang, and A. Dalgarno
11:45 |
Q 4.6 |
Rotons and Supersolids in Rydberg-dressed BECs — •Nils Henkel and Thomas Pohl
12:00 |
Q 4.7 |
Mesoscopic Transport of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices — •Martin Bruderer and Wolfgang Belzig
12:15 |
Q 4.8 |
Phase diagrams for spin-1 bosons in an optical lattice — •Ming-Chiang Chung and Sungkit Yip
12:30 |
Q 4.9 |
Magnetism and Phase Separation in SU(3) Symmetric Multi-species Fermi Mixtures — •Irakli Titvinidze, Antonio Privitera, Soon-Yong Chang, Sebastian Diehl, Mikhail Baranov, Andrew Daley, and Walter Hofstetter