Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 50: Quantum Effects: Entanglement and Decoherence
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, SCH A01
10:30 |
Q 50.1 |
Treatment of genuine quantum effects in the initial energy excitation propagation in light harvesting complexes — •Markus Tiersch, Hans J. Briegel, and Sandu Popescu
10:45 |
Q 50.2 |
Long-distance entanglement between two harmonic ocillators via a quantum reservoir — •Endre Kajari, Alexander Wolf, Gabriele De Chiara, Eric Lutz, and Giovanna Morigi
11:00 |
Q 50.3 |
Effects of retardation on sudden death and revival of entanglement — •Qurrat Ul-ain, Zbigniew Ficek, and Jörg Evers
11:15 |
Q 50.4 |
Unconditional Preparation of Bound Entanglement — •Aiko Samblowski, James DiGuglielmo, Boris Hage, Carlos Pineda, Jens Eisert, and Roman Schnabel
11:30 |
Q 50.5 |
Task-dependent control of open quantum systems — •Jens Clausen
11:45 |
Q 50.6 |
Entanglement Control with Measures Optimized on the Fly — •Mark Girard and Florian Mintert
12:00 |
Q 50.7 |
Environment-assisted entanglement in a Penning trap — •Michael Genkin and Alexander Eisfeld
12:15 |
Q 50.8 |
Collisional decoherence in the non-Markovian regime — •Federico Levi and Bassano Vacchini
12:30 |
Q 50.9 |
Operator ordering and causality — •Lev Plimak, Wolfgang Schleich, and Stig Stenholm
12:45 |
Q 50.10 |
Spontaneous decay into a BEC near a surface — •Carsten Henkel and Jürgen Schiefele