Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 53: Quantum Information: Photons and Nonclassical Light 1
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 14:30–16:00, SCH 251
14:30 |
Q 53.1 |
Experimental Qudit Entanglement — •Daniel L. Richart, Yvo Fischer, Wieslaw Laskowski, and Harald Weinfurter
14:45 |
Q 53.2 |
Testing spectral modes in parametric downconversion — •Malte Avenhaus, Andreas Christ, Katiúscia N. Cassemiro, and Chrstine Silberhorn
15:00 |
Q 53.3 |
Useful multiparticle entanglement applied for sub shot noise phase estimation — •Roland Krischek, Christian Schwemmer, Witlef Wieczorek, Harald Weinfurter, Philipp Hyllus, Luca Pezzé, and Augusto Smerzi
15:15 |
Q 53.4 |
Near-unity collection efficiency of single photons using a planar dielectric antenna — •Kwanggeol Lee, Xuewen Chen, Hadi Eghlidi, Philipp Kukura, Alois Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar, and Stephan Götzinger
15:30 |
Q 53.5 |
Towards experiments with atoms in coupled cavity arrays — Guillaume Lepert, Michael Trupke, •Michael Hartmann, Martin Plenio, and Ed Hinds
15:45 |
Q 53.6 |
Spectroscopy of a single molecule with a stream of lifetime-limited single photons — Yves Rezus, •Samuel Walt, Gert Zumofen, Alois Renn, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar