Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 56: Ultrakurze Laserpulse: Anwendungen 3
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011, 14:30–15:45, SCH A215
14:30 |
Q 56.1 |
Role of Ferroelectric Domain Distribution and Shape in Čerenkov Second Harmonic Generation — •Philip Roedig, Mousa Ayoub, Jörg Imbrock, and Cornelia Denz
14:45 |
Q 56.2 |
Hystereseeffekte in einem Rückkoppelsystem zur Superkontinuumserzeugung — •John Wetzel, Nicoletta Brauckmann, Michael Kues, Petra Groß und Carsten Fallnich
15:00 |
Q 56.3 |
Measuring the carrier-envelope phase of ultra-intense few-cycle laser pulses — •Felix Mackenroth, Antonino Di Piazza, and Christoph H. Keitel
15:15 |
Q 56.4 |
A split operator method for the Klein-Gordon equation with applications to ultrashort laser-matter interaction — •Matthias Ruf, Heiko Bauke, and Christoph H. Keitel
15:30 |
Q 56.5 |
Light field control of electronic motion in condensed matter — •Agustin Schiffrin, Tim Paasch-Colberg, Daniel Gerstner, Nicholas Karpowicz, Sascha Mühlbrandt, Joachim Reichert, Johannes V. Barth, Reinhard Kienberger, Ralph Ernstorfer, and Ferenc Krausz