16:30 |
Q 57.1 |
Weak Localisation with Short Loops — •Felix Eckert, Thomas Wellens, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 57.2 |
Many boson- vs. many-fermion interference -- differences and similarities — •Malte C. Tichy, Markus Tiersch, Florian Mintert, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 57.3 |
Nonlinear BEC Dynamics Induced by Harmonic Modulation of Atomic s-wave Scattering Length — •Ivana Vidanović, Antun Balaž, Hamed Al-Jibbouri, and Axel Pelster
16:30 |
Q 57.4 |
Exact Lieb-Liniger Dynamics — •Jan Zill, Matthias Kronenwett, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 57.5 |
Back reaction from Bogoliubov modes onto grey solitons — •Philip Walczak and James Anglin
16:30 |
Q 57.6 |
Towards the realization of an erbium atomic quantum gas — •Henning Brammer, Jens Ulitzsch, Riad Bourouis, and Martin Weitz
16:30 |
Q 57.7 |
Dipole potentials for guided atom-optics — •Thomas Lauber, Johannes Küber, Martin Hasch, Oliver Wille, and Gerhard Birkl
16:30 |
Q 57.8 |
Scaling laws of turbulent ultracold bosons — •Boris Nowak, Maximilian Schmidt, Jan Schole, Denes Sexty, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 57.9 |
Critical dynamics of ultracold bosons in one dimension — •Maximilian Schmidt, Jan Schole, Boris Nowak, Denes Sexty, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 57.10 |
Bose-Einstein condensation of a two-dimensional photon gas and prospects on its realization in solid-state materials — •Julian Schmitt, Jan Klaers, Frank Vewinger, and Martin Weitz
16:30 |
Q 57.11 |
Quantum - classical correspondence and break-down of second Josephson oscillations — •Martin P. Strzys and James R. Anglin
16:30 |
Q 57.12 |
Investigation of light-assisted collisions of 40Ca — •Oliver Appel, Max Kahmann, Stephan Schulz, Sebastian Kraft, Fritz Riehle, and Uwe Sterr
16:30 |
Q 57.13 |
Low-dimensional physics on atom chips — •Anton Piccardo-Selg, Gal Aviv, Simon Goodall, Lucia Hackermüller, Thomas Fernholz, and Peter Krüger
16:30 |
Q 57.14 |
Cold Heat - The Quantum Kinetic Theory of Collisionless Superfluid Internal Convection — •Lukas Gilz and James Anglin
16:30 |
Q 57.15 |
Scattering Ultracold Atoms on Carbon Nanotubes — •Peter Federsel, Michael Gierling, Philip Schneeweiß, Gabriela Visanescu, Dieter Kern, Andreas Günther, and József Fortágh
16:30 |
Q 57.16 |
(contribution withdrawn) Interactions and crossovers between insulating phases of fermionic gases in optical lattices — •Victor Hugo Ferreira Bezerra, Flavio de Souza Nogueira, and Axel Pelster
16:30 |
Q 57.17 |
A new setup for the study of strongly correlated low-dimensional systems — •Florian Wittkötter, Wolf Weimer, Kai Morgener, Niels Strohmaier, and Henning Moritz
16:30 |
Q 57.18 |
Approaching a three-component Fermi gas in an optical lattice — •Martin Ries, Andre Wenz, Philipp Simon, Thomas Lompe, Friedhelm Serwane, Gerhard Zürn, and Selim Jochim
16:30 |
Q 57.19 |
Bosons and fermions in three-dimensional optical lattices: Multi-band and nonlinear hopping corrections — •Alexander Mering and Michael Fleischhauer
16:30 |
Q 57.20 |
Interacting instabilities in spin-orbit coupled one dimensional Spinor condensates — •Frank Zimmer, Andreas Jacob, and Rejish Nath
16:30 |
Q 57.21 |
Perspectives of Few Body Physics in an Ultracold Mixture of 6Li and 133Cs — •Romain Müller, Marc Repp, Rico Pires, Juris Ulmanis, Stefan Schmidt, Kristina Meyer, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 57.22 |
Non-abelian Gauge-field simulators with cold atoms — •Naceur Gaaloul, Torben Schulze, Holger Ahlers, Sebastian Bode, Felix Kösel, Vyacheslav Lebedev, Wolfgang Ertmer, Luis Santos, and Ernst Rasel
16:30 |
Q 57.23 |
Towards Bose-Fermi mixtures in disordered optical lattices — •Mathis Baumert, Nadine Meyer, Michael Holynski, Marisa Perea Ortiz, Kai Bongs, and Jochen Kronjäger
16:30 |
Q 57.24 |
Spontaneous Breaking of Spatial and Spin Symmetry in Spinor Condensates — Manuel Scherer, Bernd Lücke, •Jan Peise, Garu Gebreyesus, Oliver Topic, Frank Deuretzbacher, Wolfgang Ertmer, Luis Santos, Jan Arlt, and Carsten Klempt
16:30 |
Q 57.25 |
An atomic parametic amplifier for the production of non-classical States — Manuel Scherer, •Bernd Lücke, Jens Kruse, Jan Peise, Oliver Topic, Frank Deuretzbacher, Wolfgang Ertmer, Jan Arlt, Luis Santos, and Carsten Klempt
16:30 |
Q 57.26 |
Quantum fluctuations in the time-dependent BCS-BEC crossover — •Bernhard M. Breid and James R. Anglin
16:30 |
Q 57.27 |
Quantum dynamics of few ultra-cold atoms in a periodically shaken optical superlattice — Martin Esmann, Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and •Christoph Weiss
16:30 |
Q 57.28 |
Quantum Phase Diagram for Bosons in Optical Lattices with On-Site Interaction Modulation — •Francisco Ednilson Alves dos Santos and Axel Pelster
16:30 |
Q 57.29 |
Magnetic phases of spinor quantum gases in hexagonal optical lattices — •Eva-Maria Richter, Dirk-Sören Lühmann, and Daniela Pfannkuche
16:30 |
Q 57.30 |
Non-equilibrium dynamics in a Kondo lattice of ultracold fermionic alkaline-earth-metal atoms — •Sebastian Bock, Matthias Kronenwett, Michael Foss-Feig, Ana Maria Rey, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 57.31 |
Repulsiv gebundene Teilchenpaare aus Bosonen und Fermionen im optischen Gitter — •Eva Katharina Rafeld, Bernd Schmidt und Walter Hofstetter
16:30 |
Q 57.32 |
Quantum dynamics in the bosonic Josephson junction — •Moritz Hiller, Maya Chuchem, Katrina Smith-Mannschott, Tsampikos Kottos, Amichay Vardi, and Doron Cohen
16:30 |
Q 57.33 |
Spectral origin of decaying Bloch oscillations — •Hannah Venzl, Moritz Hiller, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 57.34 |
Realization of Tunable Tunneling Dynamics and New Phases in Triangular Optical Lattices — •Christoph Ölschläger, Julian Struck, Christina Staarmann, Parvis Soltan-Panahi, Rodolphe Le Targat, Patrick Windpassinger, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
Q 57.35 |
Local mean field in optical lattices — •Astrid E. Niederle and Heiko Rieger
16:30 |
Q 57.36 |
Effective occupation-dependent tunneling in optical lattices — •Maria Langbecker, Ole Jürgensen, Dirk-Sören Lühmann, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
Q 57.37 |
Quantum Many-Body Systems on the Single-Atom Level — •P. Schauß, C. Weitenberg, M. Endres, J. F. Sherson, M. Cheneau, T. Fukuhara, I. Bloch, and S. Kuhr
16:30 |
Q 57.38 |
Detection of the Amplitude Mode in a Strongly Interacting Superfluid by Bragg Spectroscopy — •Sören Götze, Jannes Heinze, Jasper Simon Krauser, Bastian Hundt, Nick Fläschner, Christoph Becker, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
Q 57.39 |
Probing ultracold fermions in optical lattices — •Jasper Simon Krauser, Sören Götze, Jannes Heinze, Bastian Hundt, Nick Fläschner, Dirk-Sören Lühmann, Christoph Becker, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
Q 57.40 |
Interacting Fermions in Optical Lattices - Exploring the Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian — •Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, Lucia Hackermüller, Simon Braun, Michael Schreiber, Tim Rom, Sebastian Will, Thorsten Best, Ulrich Schneider, and Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
Q 57.41 |
Novel Preparation Schemes for Hexagonal Lattices — •Christina Staarmann, Parvis Soltan-Panahi, Julian Struck, Christoph Ölschläger, Dirk-Sören Lühmann, Rodolphe Le Targat, Patrick Windpassinger, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 |
Q 57.42 |
Interacting Bose-Fermi Mixtures in Optical Lattices — •Simon Braun, Sebastian Will, Thorsten Best, Philipp Ronzheimer, Michael Schreiber, Tim Rom, Ulrich Schneider, Dirk-Sören Lühmann, and Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
Q 57.43 |
The Dicke quantum phase transition in an optical cavity QED system — •Rafael Mottl, Kristian Baumann, Ferdinand Brennecke, Tobias Donner, Christine Guerlin, and Tilman Esslinger
16:30 |
Q 57.44 |
Experiments with ultracold atoms in optical superlattices — •Monika Aidelsburger, Marcos Atala, Yu-Ao Chen, Sylvain Nascimbène, Stefan Trotzky, and Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
Q 57.45 |
Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition of Ultracold Bosons in an Optical Lattice Coupled to a BEC Reservoir — •Mathias Hayn and Axel Pelster
16:30 |
Q 57.46 |
Quest for anisotropic solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates — •Patrick Köberle, Rüdiger Eichler, Jörg Main, and Günter Wunner
16:30 |
Q 57.47 |
General Relativistic Description of Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Oliver Gabel and Reinhold Walser
16:30 |
Q 57.48 |
Semiclassical dynamics of self-organization of atoms in optical cavities — •Stefan Schütz, Hessam Habibian, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 57.49 |
Ring structures in linear multipole ion traps — •Florian Cartarius, Cecilia Cormick, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 57.50 |
Experiments with laser-cooled atoms trapped in the evanescent field surrounding an optical nanofiber — •Daniel Reitz, Rudolf Mitsch, Melanie Müller, Samuel T. Dawkins, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
Q 57.51 |
Control of refractive index and motion of a single atom by quantum interference — •René Reimann, Wolfgang Alt, Stefan Brakhane, Martin Eckstein, Tobias Kampschulte, Miguel Martinez-Dorantes, Artur Widera, and Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
Q 57.52 |
Phase space compression with an accelerated diode and mirror potential — •Sönke Schmidt, J. Gonzalo Muga, and Andreas Ruschhaupt
16:30 |
Q 57.53 |
A compact modular 2D-MOT setup — Bastian Höltkemeier, Christoph Hofmann, Simone Götz, •Hannes Busche, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 57.54 |
Vibrational ground state cooling of a neutral atom in a tightly focused optical dipole trap. — •Syed Abdullah Aljunid, JianWei Lee, Martin Paesold, Brenda Chng, Gleb Maslennikov, and Christian Kurtsiefer
16:30 |
Q 57.55 |
A New Setup for Probing Bose-Fermi Mixtures in Optical Lattices — •Tracy Li, Lucia Duca, Martin Boll, Jens Phillip Ronzheimer, Ulrich Schneider, and Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
Q 57.56 |
Trap loss in a double species MOT of Yb and Rb — •Maximilian Madalinski, Cristian Bruni, Frank Münchow, and Axel Görlitz
16:30 |
Q 57.57 |
Segmentierte Oberflächenfalle mit integriertem Magnetfeldgradienten — •Peter Kunert und Christof Wunderlich
16:30 |
Q 57.58 |
Microwave guiding of electrons in a planar Paul trap — •Roman Fröhlich, Johannes Hoffrogge, Jakob Hammer, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:30 |
Q 57.59 |
Towards sequential BEC production with high repetition rates on a mesoscopic wire structure — Stefan Jöllenbeck, •Jan Mahnke, Richard Randoll, Manuela Hanke, Ilka Geisel, Wolfgang Ertmer, Jan Arlt, and Carsten Klempt
16:30 |
Q 57.60 |
Manipulation of small atom clouds in a microscopic dipole trap — •Andreas Fuhrmanek, Ronan Bourgain, Yvan Sortais, Philippe Grangier, and Antoine Browaeys
16:30 |
Q 57.61 |
Feedback control of the hyperfine ground states of neutral atoms in an optical cavity — •Miguel Martinez-Dorantes, Wolfgang Alt, Stefan Brakhane, Tobias Kampschulte, René Reimann, Artur Widera, and Dieter Meschede
16:30 |
Q 57.62 |
Single-atom-resolved spin manipulation in a Mott insulator — •T. Fukuhara, C. Weitenberg, M. Endres, J. F. Sherson, M. Cheneau, P. Schauß, I. Bloch, and S. Kuhr
16:30 |
Q 57.63 |
Hochstabiler Frequenzstabilitätstransfer — •Dave Brauns, Matthias Wolke, Julian Klinner und Andreas Hemmerich
16:30 |
Q 57.64 |
Many-body effects in Rydberg gases — •Martin Gärttner, Jörg Evers, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 57.65 |
Mean-field models for correlated Rydberg gases — •Kilian Heeg and Jörg Evers
16:30 |
Q 57.66 |
Towards experiments with ultracold Rydberg gases at high atomic densities — •Aline Faber, Hannes Busche, Christoph Hofmann, Georg Günter, Hanna Schempp, Martin de Saint-Vincent, Shannon Whitlock und Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 57.67 |
An electron microscope for the detection and manipulation of Rydberg atoms — •Tobias Weber, Torsten Manthey, Julia Grün, Thomas Niederprüm, Vera Guarrera, Giovanni Barontini, and Herwig Ott
16:30 |
Q 57.68 |
A new cavity QED apparatus at work — •Haytham Chibani, Markus Koch, Christian Sames, Maximilian Balbach, Alexander Kubanek, Alexei Ourjoumstev, Pepijn Pinkse, Karim Murr, Tatjana Wilk, and Gerhard Rempe
16:30 |
Q 57.69 |
Fallendesignstudien für eine deterministische hochauflösende Einzelionenquelle — •Georg Jacob, Stefan Ulm, Andreas Kehlberger, Stefan Weidlich, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler und Kilian Singer
16:30 |
Q 57.70 |
Laser cooling of dense atomic gases by collisional redistribution of radiation — •Simon Haßelmann, Anne Saß, Ulrich Vogl, and Martin Weitz
16:30 |
Q 57.71 |
Inelastic scattering of a probe particle on a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Stefan Hunn, Moritz Hiller, Tsampikos Kottos, Doron Cohen, and Andreas Buchleitner
16:30 |
Q 57.72 |
Optical vortices of slow light using tripod scheme — •Algirdas Mekys, Julius Ruseckas, and Gediminas Juzeliunas
16:30 |
Q 57.73 |
Towards a two-species mixed gas of 6Li and 133Cs atoms and LiCs molecules at high phase-space densities — •Stefan Schmidt, Marc Repp, Johannes Deiglmayr, Rico Pires, Juris Ulmanis, Romain Müller, Kristina Meyer, Roland Wester, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 57.74 |
Spectroscopic determination of YbRb ground state potentials — Frank Münchow, •Cristian Bruni, Maximilian Madalinski, and Axel Görlitz
16:30 |
Q 57.75 |
Two dimensional arrays of ultra cold polar molecules: possible structural transitions — •Sofia Kantorovich, Rudolf Weeber, Christian Holm, and Hans Peter Buechler
16:30 |
Q 57.76 |
Berry phase in atom optics — •Polina V. Mironova, Maxim A. Efremov, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:30 |
Q 57.77 |
Towards a miniaturized frequency comb system for atom optics in microgravity — •Hannes Duncker, André Wenzlawski, A. Jones Rafipoor, Patrick Windpassinger, Klaus Sengstock, and the Lasus Team
16:30 |
Q 57.78 |
Advanced laser system for atom interferometry — •Christoph Grzeschik, Max Schiemangk, Achim Peters, and the QUANTUS Team
16:30 |
Q 57.79 |
Interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates in microgravity — •Holger Ahlers, Naceur Gaaloul, Stephan Seidel, Waldemar Herr, Jan Rudolph, Christina Rode, Dennis Becker, Manuel Popp, Thijs Wendrich, Wolfgang Ertmer, Ernst Maria Rasel, and the QUANTUS Team
16:30 |
Q 57.80 |
A dual species matter-wave interferometer in microgravity — •Dennis Becker, Waldemar Herr, Jan Rudolph, Manuel Popp, Christina Rode, Thijs Wendrich, Holger Ahlers, Stephan Seidel, Naceur Gaaloul, Wolfgang Ertmer, Ernst Maria Rasel, and the QUANTUS Team
16:30 |
Q 57.81 |
Compact electronics for laser system in microgravity — •Thijs Wendrich, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Maria Rasel
16:30 |
Q 57.82 |
Active low frequency vibration isolation for high precision atom interferometry — •Christian Freier, Alexander Senger, and Achim Peters
16:30 |
Q 57.83 |
Length sensing and control of the AEI 10 m Prototype sub-SQL interferometer — •Christian Gräf for the AEI 10m Prototype Team
16:30 |
Q 57.84 |
Optische Tests an einem Dreifachspiegel für eine schnelle GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) Nachfolgemission — •Gunnar Stede, Benjamin Sheard, Gerhard Heinzel und Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.85 |
Optical simulations for inter-satellite interferometry — •Christoph Mahrdt, Evgenia Granova, Benjamin Sheard, Gudrun Wanner, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.86 |
(contribution withdrawn) Pre-experiments for the LISA optical bench — •Christian Diekmann, Johanna Bogenstahl, Marina Dehne, Roland Fleddermann, Evgenia Granova, Gudrun Wanner, Michael Troebs, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.87 |
The LISA optical bench — •Johanna Bogenstahl, Gerhard Heinzel, Michael Troebs, Christian Diekmann, Roland Fleddermann, Gudrun Wanner, Evgenia Granova, Marina Dehne, and Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.88 |
Avoiding blackbody radiation shifts, density shifts, and fiber-induced laser degradation in an optical lattice clock — •Thomas Middelmann, Stephan Falke, Stefan Vogt, Fritz Riehle, Uwe Sterr, and Christian Lisdat
16:30 |
Q 57.89 |
Quantenrausch-limitierte Laser-Amplitudendetektion von Hochleistungslasern — •Patrick Kwee, Benno Willke und Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.90 |
Towards a Portable Aluminum Optical Clock — •Jannes B. Wübbena, Sana Amairi, Olaf Mandel, Ivan V. Sherstov, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 |
Q 57.91 |
A Single Laser System for Ground State Cooling of 25Mg+ — •Florian Gebert, Börge Hemmerling, Yong Wan, Ivan V. Sherstov, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 |
Q 57.92 |
Strontium in an Optical Lattice as a Mobile Frequency Reference — •Ole Kock, Steven Johnson, Yeshpal Singh, and Kai Bongs
16:30 |
Q 57.93 |
High performance iodine frequency reference aiming at a stability of 1× 10−15 — •Klaus Döringshoff, Katharina Möhle, Moritz Nagel, Evgeny V. Kofvalchuk, and Achim Peters
16:30 |
Q 57.94 |
A mobile atom interferometer for high precision measurement of local gravity — •Vladimir Schkolnik, Malte Schmidt, Alexander Senger, Matthias Hauth, Christian Freier, and Achim Peters
16:30 |
Q 57.95 |
Paving the way to coherent modern control of quantum optical systems — Timo Denker, Dirk Schütte, Maximilian Wimmer, and •Michèle Heurs
16:30 |
Q 57.96 |
Stabilization of the Advanced LIGO laser — •Christina Bogan, Jan-Hendrik Pöld, Patrick Kwee, Benno Willke, and Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.97 |
Cold Atom Sagnac Interferometer — •Sven Abend, Peter Berg, Michael Gilowski, Christian Schubert, Gunnar Tackmann, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst M. Rasel
16:30 |
Q 57.98 |
Faserlaserbasierter Optischer Kammgenerator unter Schwerelosigkeit (FOKUS) — •Tobias Wilken, Matthias Lezius, Marc Fischer, Theodor W. Hänsch und Ronald Holzwarth
16:30 |
Q 57.99 |
Systematic frequency shifts in precision spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition in atomic hydrogen — Christian G. Parthey, Arthur Matveev, Janis Alnis, •Axel Beyer, Nikolai Kolachevsky, Randolf Pohl, Thomas Udem, and Theodor W. Hänsch
16:30 |
Q 57.100 |
Stable fibre injectors for ground-based interferometers performing in the picometer stability level — •Lina-Ellen Wittrock, Johanna Bogenstahl, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.101 |
Tunable high finesse cavities incorporating a piezoelectric actuator — •Katharina Möhle, Klaus Döringshoff, Moritz Nagel, Evgeny V. Kovalchuk, and Achim Peters
16:30 |
Q 57.102 |
Testing the universality of free fall with a two species atomic gravimeter — •Jonas Hartwig, Dennis Schlippert Schlippert, Ulrich Velte, Daniel Tiarks, Maic Zaiser, Vyacheslav Lebedev, Ernst Rasel, and Wolfgang Ertmer
16:30 |
Q 57.103 |
High Sensitivity Magnetic Sensing by Ensemble Measurements on Densely Packed Defect Centers in Bulk Diamond — •Thomas Wolf, Merle Becker, Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:30 |
Q 57.104 |
A fiber-based femtosecond frequency comb for precision measurements in microgravity — •Andreas Resch, Claus Lämmerzahl, and Sven Herrmann
16:30 |
Q 57.105 |
Towards an optical lattice-based magnesium frequency standard — •Klaus Zipfel, Matthias Riedmann, Jan Friebe, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Temmo Wübbena, Andre Kulosa, Andre Pape, Dominika Fim, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Maria Rasel
16:30 |
Q 57.106 |
LISA Backlinkfiber - Return loss of a polarization maintaining single-mode optical fiber — •Jan Rybizki, Roland Fleddermann, Michael Tröbs, Gerhard Heinzel, and Karsten Danzmann
16:30 |
Q 57.107 |
Towards an Ultra-Stable Optical Sapphire Cavity System for Testing Lorentz Invariance — •Moritz Nagel, Katharina Möhle, Klaus Döringshoff, Evgeny V. Kovalchuk, and Achim Peters
16:30 |
Q 57.108 |
A compact Yb optical lattice clock — •Charbel Abou Jaoudeh, Gregor Mura, Tobias Franzen, Taner Esat, Cristian Bruni, and Axel Görlitz
16:30 |
Q 57.109 |
A Modern Michelson-Morley Experiment Using Cryogenic Sapphire Microwave Oscillators — •Stephen Parker, Paul Stanwix, Michael Tobar, John Hartnett, Eugene Ivanov, Moritz Nagel, and Achim Peters