10:30 |
Q 58.1 |
CPT and EIT - Dark state resonances in interacting systems — •Hanna Schempp, Georg Günter, Christoph S. Hofmann, Thomas Amthor, Matthias Weidemüller, Jonathan D. Pritchard, Daniel Maxwell, Alex Gauguet, Kevin J. Weatherill, Matthew P.A. Jones, Charles S. Adams, Sevilay Sevinçli, Cenap Ates, and Thomas Pohl
10:45 |
Q 58.2 |
Enhanced Optical Nonlinearities with Cold Rydberg Gases — •Sevilay Sevinçli, Cenap Ates, and Thomas Pohl
11:00 |
Q 58.3 |
Homodyne Detection of Matter Wave — •Stefan Rist and Giovanna Morigi
11:15 |
Q 58.4 |
A Double-Species 2D+MOT for Potassium and Rubidium — •Lucia Duca, Tracy Li, Martin Boll, Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, Ulrich Schneider, and Immanuel Bloch
11:30 |
Q 58.5 |
Microwave guiding of electrons in a planar quadrupole guide — •Johannes Hoffrogge, Roman Fröhlich, Jakob Hammer, and Peter Hommelhoff
11:45 |
Q 58.6 |
Ultracold atoms in disordered quantum potential — •Hessam Habibian, Wolfgang Niedenzu, Helmut Ritsch, and Giovanna Morigi
12:00 |
Q 58.7 |
Laserkühlung von dichten atomaren Alkali-Edelgas-Mischungen durch kollisionsinduzierte Fluoreszenzredistribution — •Anne Saß, Ulrich Vogl, Simon Haßelmann und Martin Weitz
12:15 |
Q 58.8 |
A hexapole-compensated magneto-optical trap on a mesoscopic atom chip — •Stefan Jöllenbeck, Jan Mahnke, Richard Randoll, Manuela Hanke, Ilka Geisel, Wolfgang Ertmer, Jan Arlt, and Carsten Klempt
12:30 |
Q 58.9 |
Reconstructing the Wigner function of an atomic ensemble — •Roman Schmied and Philipp Treutlein
12:45 |
Q 58.10 |
Optimized magnetic lattices for ultracold atomic ensembles — •Roman Schmied, Dietrich Leibfried, Robert Spreeuw, and Shannon Whitlock