Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 59: Quantum Effects: Interference and Correlations
Freitag, 18. März 2011, 10:30–12:45, SCH A01
10:30 |
Q 59.1 |
Measuring Quantum Superpositions of Different Structures of Ion Coulomb Crystals — •Jens Domagoj Baltrusch, Gabriele De Chiara, Tommaso Calarco, and Giovanna Morigi
10:45 |
Q 59.2 |
Fidelity at quantum resonance for kicked atoms in a gravitational field — •Remy Dubertrand and Sandro Wimberger
11:00 |
Q 59.3 |
Probing multimode squeezing with correlation functions. — •Andreas Christ, Kaisa Laiho, Andreas Eckstein, Katiúscia N. Cassemiro, and Christine Silberhorn
11:15 |
Q 59.4 |
Decoherence effects in quantum walks: From ballistic spread to localization — •Andreas Schreiber, Katiúscia N. Cassemiro, Václav Potocek, Aurél Gábris, Igor Jex, and Christine Silberhorn
11:30 |
Q 59.5 |
Separability criterion for modular variables — •Clemens Gneiting and Klaus Hornberger
11:45 |
Q 59.6 |
Trapping particles in bent waveguides — •Emerson Sadurni and Wolfgang Schleich
12:00 |
Q 59.7 |
Many-particle Quantum Walks — •Klaus Mayer, Malte C. Tichy, Florian Mintert, Thomas Konrad, and Andreas Buchleitner
12:15 |
Q 59.8 |
Single photon sources: the disastrous second photon — •Karl Otto Greulich
12:30 |
Q 59.9 |
Entanglement measures and interference contrast — •Federico Levi and Florian Mintert