Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 60: Quantum Information: Photons and Nonclassical Light 2
Freitag, 18. März 2011, 10:30–12:15, SCH 251
10:30 |
Q 60.1 |
Two Color Entanglement — •Christina E. Laukötter, Aiko Samblowski, Nicolai Grosse, Ping Koy Lam, and Roman Schnabel
10:45 |
Q 60.2 |
Entangling photons via the quantum Zeno effect — Ralf Schützhold, Andreas Osterloh, and •Nicolai ten Brinke
11:00 |
Q 60.3 |
Four-Photon Distinguishability Transition — •Malte C. Tichy, Hyang-Tag Lim, Young-Sik Ra, Florian Mintert, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Andreas Buchleitner
11:15 |
Q 60.4 |
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Correlations from a Vacuum-Class Two-Mode Squeezed State — •Tobias Eberle, Vitus Händchen, Jörg Duhme, Torsten Franz, Reinhard Werner, and Roman Schnabel
11:30 |
Q 60.5 |
(contribution moved to Q 50.9) Operator ordering and causality — •Lev Plimak, Wolfgang Schleich, and Stig Stenholm
11:45 |
Q 60.6 |
Entangled photons in a disordered waveguide — •Frank Schlawin, Nicolas Cherroret, and Andreas Buchleitner
12:00 |
Q 60.7 |
Probability amplitudes of two-levels atoms beyond the dipole approximation — •Armen Hayrapetyan and Stephan Fritzsche