Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 61: Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods 4
Freitag, 18. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, SCH A118
10:30 |
Q 61.1 |
Phase-dependent wave-particle duality and delayed choice of the which-way detector observable — •Uwe Schilling and Joachim von Zanthier
10:45 |
Q 61.2 |
Shor’s algorithm and the factorization with Gauss sums — •Sabine Wölk and Wolfgang Schleich
11:00 |
Q 61.3 |
Uncertainty relations and the graph state formalism — •Sönke Niekamp, Matthias Kleinmann, and Otfried Gühne
11:15 |
Q 61.4 |
A Simple Construction of Cyclic Mutually Unbiased Bases — •Ulrich Seyfarth, Kedar Ranade, and Gernot Alber
11:30 |
Q 61.5 |
Optimal molecular networks for excitonic energy transport — •Torsten Scholak, Thomas Wellens, and Andreas Buchleitner
11:45 |
Q 61.6 |
Classical simulation of dynamical quantum systems — •Robert Zeier
12:00 |
Q 61.7 |
How contextual is quantum mechanics? — •Matthias Kleinmann, Otfried Gühne, José Portillo, Jan-Åke Larsson, and Adán Cabello
12:15 |
Q 61.8 |
Quantum Simulation by Example: Exploiting Symmetry Principles of Quantum Systems Theory — •Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen and Robert Zeier
12:30 |
Q 61.9 |
Performance of quantum convolutional and block error-correcting codes — •Johannes Gütschow
12:45 |
Q 61.10 |
Differencial Magnetometry with Multipartite Singlets — •Iñigo Urizar-Lanz and Géza Tóth