So, 16:00–18:00 |
HSZ 04 |
SOE 1: Tutorial |
Mo, 10:15–11:45 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 2: Focus Session: Swarm Intelligence |
Mo, 12:00–12:30 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 3: Focus Session: Swarm Intelligence - Contributed Talks |
Mo, 13:30–14:00 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 4: Special Announcement: Funding Opportunities |
Mo, 14:00–15:00 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 5: Focus Session: GPU Computing (with DY) |
Mo, 15:00–15:45 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 6: Focus Session: GPU Computing (with DY) - Contributed Talks |
Mo, 16:00–16:45 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 7: Social Systems, Opinion and Group Dynamics I |
Mo, 17:00–18:30 |
HSZ 02 |
SOE 8: Award Ceremony: Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics |
Di, 10:30–13:00 |
HSZ 01 |
SOE 9: Foundations and Perspectives of Climate Engineering (with AKE and UP) |
Di, 13:30–15:30 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 10: Focus Session: Experimental Methods |
Di, 18:00–18:45 |
P2 |
SOE 11: Poster Session |
Di, 18:45–19:30 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 12: Annual Members' Assembly of SOE |
Mi, 10:15–10:45 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 13: Networks: From Topology to Dynamics I (with BP, DY) |
Mi, 10:45–13:15 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 14: Networks: From Topology to Dynamics II (with BP, DY) |
Mi, 14:00–15:15 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 15: Economic Models and Evolutionary Game Theory I (with BP, DY) |
Mi, 15:30–17:00 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 16: Networks: From Topology to Dynamics III (with BP, DY) |
Mi, 17:15–18:00 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 17: Socio-Economic Systems |
Do, 10:15–13:15 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 18: Financial Markets and Risk Management I |
Do, 14:00–15:00 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 19: Economic Models and Evolutionary Game Theory II (with BP, DY) |
Do, 15:00–17:15 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 20: Networks: From Topology to Dynamics IV (with BP, DY) |
Fr, 10:15–11:00 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 21: Traffic Dynamics, Urban and Regional Systems |
Fr, 11:15–12:45 |
GÖR 226 |
SOE 22: Social Systems, Opinion and Group Dynamics II |