18:05 |
SOE 11.1 |
Ageing in the 3D random-bond Ising model along the ferromagnetic - spin glass transition line — •Markus Manssen and Alexander Hartmann
18:05 |
SOE 11.2 |
Adaptive network models of swarm dynamics — Cristián Huepe, •Gerd Zschaler, Anne-Ly Do, and Thilo Gross
18:05 |
SOE 11.3 |
Investigating the topology of interacting networks - Theory and application to coupled climate networks — •Jonathan F. Donges, Hanna C.H. Schultz, Norbert Marwan, Yong Zou, and Jürgen Kurths
18:05 |
SOE 11.4 |
Epidemiological investigation of time-dependent complex networks — •Mario Konschake, Hartmut H K Lentz, and Thomas Selhorst
18:05 |
SOE 11.5 |
Graph-theoretic analysis of material flow layouts in packaging industry — Kristian Götze, •Reik V. Donner, and Thomas Seidel
18:05 |
SOE 11.6 |
Effects of rapid evolution of connectivity on epidemic dynamics — •Amir Akbari Kalhor, Gerd Zschaler, and Thilo Gross
18:05 |
SOE 11.7 |
Identifying damage functions through density transformation — •Diego Rybski, J. Micha Steinhäuser, and Jürgen P. Kropp
18:05 |
SOE 11.8 |
A percolation model for trust in financial markets — •Tobias Tubbenhauer and Stefan Bornholdt
18:05 |
SOE 11.9 |
Regional clustering of automotive stocks revealed by linear and nonlinear multivariate analysis — Richard Neuberg and •Reik V. Donner
18:05 |
SOE 11.10 |
relationship between ARCH model and stochastic dealer model — •Kenta Yamada, Sidney Redner, Hideki Takayasu, and Misako Takayasu
18:05 |
SOE 11.11 |
Agent based reasoning of the nonlinear stochastic models — •Aleksejus Kononovičius, Vygintas Gontis, and Bronislovas Kaulakys
18:05 |
SOE 11.12 |
Universal behavior in the dynamics of finanical markets — •Josef Ludescher, Constantino Tsallis, and Armin Bunde
18:05 |
SOE 11.13 |
Study of persistence in the foreign exchange market: analysis of the Hurst exponent — •Marcus Fernandes da Silva and José Garcia Vivas Miranda
18:05 |
SOE 11.14 |
Emotional agents at the square lattice — •Agnieszka Czaplicka, Anna Chmiel, and Janusz A. Hołyst
18:05 |
SOE 11.15 |
Language change in a multiple group society — •Cristina-Maria Pop and Erwin Frey
18:05 |
SOE 11.16 |
Contact processes on directed adaptive networks — Michael Seißinger, •Gerd Zschaler, Güven Demirel, and Thilo Gross
18:05 |
SOE 11.17 |
The effect of the forget-remember mechanism on spreading — •jiao gu and wei li
18:05 |
SOE 11.18 |
Biochemical reaction networks meet Coalitional Game Theory: The importance of not being single — •Max Sajitz-Hermstein and Zoran Nikoloski
18:05 |
SOE 11.19 |
Causality & Stability: The Basis of Physics – Principles of Everything? — •Alexander an Haack, Paul Flachskampf, and Sabina Jeschke