Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SYQE 1: Cavity meets Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
Freitag, 18. März 2011, 10:30–13:00, HSZ 01
10:30 |
SYQE 1.1 |
The driven Jaynes-Cummings system: from atoms and cavities to circuits — •Howard Carmichael
11:00 |
SYQE 1.2 |
Light shifts of ground-state quantum beats in Cavity QED, a consequence of quantum jumps. — •Luis Orozco
11:30 |
SYQE 1.3 |
Tomography and Correlation Function Measurements of Propagating Microwave Photons — •Andreas Wallraff
12:00 |
SYQE 1.4 |
(contribution withdrawn) Artificial atom in 1D open space — •Yasunobu Nakamura and Abdufarrukh Abdumalikov
12:30 |
SYQE 1.5 |
Quantum dot based bright sources of quantum light. — •Pascale Senellart, Adrien Dousse, Jan Suffczynski, Vivien Loo, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Olivier Gazzano, Loic Lanco, Aristide Lemaitre, Isabelle Sagnes, Alexios Beveratos, Olivier Krebs, Jacqueline Bloch, and Paul Voisin