Dresden 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 18: CE: Low-dimensional Systems - Materials 1
Montag, 14. März 2011, 18:30–20:00, HSZ 201
18:30 |
TT 18.1 |
Magnetic models from DFT cluster calculations - an alternative to supercell computations? — •Stefan Lebernegg, Miriam Schmitt, Ulrike Nitzsche, and Helge Rosner
18:45 |
TT 18.2 |
A microscopic magnetic model for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg piezoelectric ferrimagnet Cu2OSeO3 — •Oleg Janson, Alexander Tsirlin, and Helge Rosner
19:00 |
TT 18.3 |
Ferromagnetic versus helical order in edge sharing CuO2 chains - a computational study — •Helge Rosner, Ulrike Nitzsche, Roman Kuzian, and Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler
19:15 |
TT 18.4 |
The influence of inter-chain couplings on the thermodynamics of the strongly frustrated chain cuprate Li2CuO2 — •W.E.A. Lorenz, S.-L. Drechsler, R.O. Kuzian, S. Nishimoto, S. Petit, Y. Skourski, N. Wizent, R. Klingeler, and B. Büuchner
19:30 |
TT 18.5 |
Evidence for the opening of a spin gap in the Ca-doped S=1/2 spin chain compound SrCuO2 probed by NMR — •Franziska Hammerath, Satoshi Nishimoto, Hans-Joachim Grafe, A.U.B. Wolter, Christian Hess, Vladislav Kataev, Patrick Ribeiro, S.-L. Drechsler, and Bernd Büchner
19:45 |
TT 18.6 |
Low temperature ballistic spin transport in the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain compound SrCuO2 — H. Maeter, A.A. Zvyagin, H. Luetkens, G. Pascua, Z. Shermadini, C. Hess, N. Hlubek, B. Büchner, R. Saint-Matin, A. Revcolevschi, and •H.-H. Klauss