14:00 |
TT 36.1 |
High-resolution thermal expansion of Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2: evidence for quantum criticality — •Christoph Meingast, Frederic Hardy, Philipp Burger, Devang Joshi, Peter Adelmann, Doris Ernst, Rainer Fromknecht, Peter Schweiss, Rolf Heid, and Thomas Wolf
14:15 |
TT 36.2 |
Thermodynamic investigations of the doping and pressure dependences of the electronic density of states and the superconducting gaps in the electron-doped iron pnictide Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 — •Frédéric Hardy, Philipp Burger, Thomas Wolf, Peter Schweiss, Peter Adelmann, Doris Ernst, Robert A. Fisher, Robert Eder, Rolf Heid, Hilbert v. Löhneysen, and Christoph Meingast
14:30 |
TT 36.3 |
Simulation of pressure effects in the 122 family of iron pnictides — •Milan Tomić, Roser Valenti, and Harald O. Jeschke
14:45 |
TT 36.4 |
Doping dependent electronic anisotropies in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 — •F. Kretzschmar, B. Muschler, R. Hackl, J.-H. Chu, J. G. Analytis, and I. R. Fisher
15:00 |
TT 36.5 |
Chemical Pressure and Physical Pressure in Phosphorous doped BaFe2As2 — •Lina Klintberg, S. K. Goh, S. Kasahara, Y. Nakai, K. Ishida, M. Sutherland, T. Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda, and T. Terashima
15:15 |
TT 36.6 |
Tetragonal lattice collapse in SrFe2As2 - a combined experimental and theoretical study — •Miriam Schmitt, Deepa Kasinathan, Alim Omerci, Katrin Meier, Ulrich Schwarz, Michael Hanfland, Klaus Koepernik, Yuri Grin, Andreas Leithe-Jasper, and Helge Rosner
15:45 |
TT 36.7 |
High Pressure investigation of pressure-induced superconductivity in CaFe2As2 — •Patrick Reuvekamp, Reinhard Kremer, Renato Gonnelli, and Janusz Karpinski
16:00 |
TT 36.8 |
Interplay of antiferromagnetism, ferromagnetism and superconductivity in EuFe2(As1−xPx)2 single crystals — •Hirale S. Jeevan, Jannis Maiwald, and Philip Gegenwart
16:15 |
TT 36.9 |
Bridging angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) with other experiments in case of iron arsenides — •Daniil Evtushinsky, Volodymyr Zabolotnyy, Alexander Kordyuk, Timur Kim, Bernd Büchner, and Sergey Borisenko
16:30 |
TT 36.10 |
Electronic structure studies of parent Ba(Eu)Fe2As2 and their superconducting derivatives using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) — •S. Thirupathaiah, E.D.L. Rienks, E. van Heumen, H.S. Jeevan, P. Gegenwart, M.S. Golden, and J. Fink
16:45 |
TT 36.11 |
Electronic dispersion anomalies in iron-pnictide superconductors — •Andreas Heimes, Roland Grein, and Matthias Eschrig
17:00 |
TT 36.12 |
Electronic structure of TM doped Ba122 Iron Arsenide superconductors — •Anna Buling, Ernst Kurmaev, John McLeod, Nikolai A. Skorikov, Manfred Neumann, Alexander Moewes, Yuri A. Izyumov, Larisa D. Finkelstein, Ni Ni, Sergey L. Bud’ko, and Paul C. Canfield
17:30 |
TT 36.13 |
Unconventional Raman scattering in the line node superconductor BaFe2(As1−xPx)2 — •Peter Lemmens, Vladimir Gnezdilov, Yurii Pashkevich, Sergei Gnatchenko, Shiregu Kasahara, and Yuji Matsuda
17:45 |
TT 36.14 |
Optical Investigations of the Superconducting State in 122 Iron-Pnictides — •Dan Wu, Martin Dressel, Guanghan Cao, Philipp Gegenwart, Bernhard Holzapfel, Jules Carbotte, and Ewald Schachinger
18:00 |
TT 36.15 |
Highly anisotropic energy gap in superconducting Ba(Fe0.9Co0.1)2As2 from optical conductivity measurements — •A. V. Pronin, T. Fischer, J. Wosnitza, K. Iida, F. Kurth, S. Haindl, L. Schultz, B. Holzapfel, and E. Schachinger
18:15 |
TT 36.16 |
Pseudogap-like phase in Ca(Fe1−xCox)2As2 revealed by 75As NQR — •Seung-Ho Baek, Hans-Joachim Grafe, Guillaume Lang, Lumanita Harnagea, S. Singh, Sabine Wurmehl, and Bernd Buechner