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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 44: Poster Session Correlated Electrons
TT 44.16: Poster
Thursday, March 17, 2011, 10:00–13:00, P1
Phase diagram of CePt3B1−xSix — •Daniela Rauch1, Matthias Bleckmann1, Stefan Süllow1, Moo Sung Kim2, Meigan Aronson2,3, and Ernst Bauer4 — 1TU Braunschweig, Institute for Physics of Condensed Matter, Braunschweig, Germany — 2Brookhaven National Laboratory, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, New York, USA — 3Stony Brook University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, New York, USA — 4TU Vienna, Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna, Austria
The non-centro symmetric system CePt3Si shows an unconventional heavy-fermion superconducting ground state (Tc= 0.75 K), in coexistence with an antiferromagnetic phase below TN=2.2 K. In contrast, CePt3B exhibits a complex magnetically ordered state at low temperatures, with an antiferromagnetic phase below TN=8 K and a second weakly ferromagnetic transition below TC≈ 5 K.
Here we report a study of the magnetic phase diagram of the alloying series CePt3B1−xSix. From our investigation we find the antiferromagnetism of CePt3B to transform into the analagous phase of CePt3Si. In contrast, we observe a supression of the ferromagnetically ordered phase above a critical Si concentration xc≈ 0.5. We discuss the relationship of superconductivity and magnetism of the alloying series.