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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 44: Poster Session Correlated Electrons
TT 44.8: Poster
Thursday, March 17, 2011, 10:00–13:00, P1
Investigating the large degeneracy Kondo lattice metamagnet CeTiGe: Crystal growth and doping studies — •T. Gruner1, N. Caroca-Canales1, J. Sereni2, M. Deppe1, and C. Geibel1 — 1MPI für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, 01187, Dresden, Germany — 2Centro Atomico Bariloche, 8400, S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina
CeTiGe is a paramagnetic Kondo lattice system with a large orbital degeneracy involved in the formation of the heavy Fermion ground state. Recently we discovered that this compound presents a huge metamagnetic transition at BMMT ≈ 13 T, with much larger anomalies in magnetization, magnetoresistance and magnetostriction than in the archetypical Kondo lattice metamagnet CeRu2Si2. Since CeTiGe forms in a pronounced peritectic reaction the growth of single crystals is difficult. We therefore studied the Ce-Ti-Ge ternary metallographic phase diagram to get a sound basis for future crystal growth attempts. Preliminary results of growth experiments based on these studies are promising and shall be discussed. Furthermore, Ti-rich CeTiGe was recently reported to present a high temperature phase crystallizing in the closely related CeScSi structure type. In order to study this structural instability and the effect on the physical properties, we studied the effect of substituting Sc for Ti, since pure CeScGe crystallizes in the CeScSi structure type. In well annealed samples we observed a two phase region in the range 10 % - 25 %-Sc-substitution. Preliminary investigations of the CeScxTi1−xGe alloy suggest it is a promising candidate for the observation of a ferromagnetic quantum critical point in a large degeneracy Kondo lattice system.