18:30 |
UP 1.1 |
Meteorological measurements in the Baltic and the North Sea — •Jörg Bendfeld and Stefan Krauter
18:30 |
UP 1.2 |
Hybrid measuring devices for evaluation of waves and currents — •Jörg Bendfeld and Stefan Krauter
18:30 |
UP 1.3 |
In situ Messung von CO2-Konzentrationen in Gewässern — •Christiane Schulz und Bertram Boehrer
18:30 |
UP 1.4 |
Kombinierte Sondierung von Wasserdampf mit DIAL und Raman-Lidar am Schneefernerhaus — •Lisa Klanner, Thomas Trickl und Hannes Vogelmann
18:30 |
UP 1.5 |
Modeling the Droplet Size Distribution of Precipitation — •Ariane Papke and Jürgen Vollmer
18:30 |
UP 1.6 |
Rain in the test tube? — •Jürgen Vollmer, Tobias Lapp, Martin Rohloff, Björn Hof, and Jan-Henrik Trösemeier
18:30 |
UP 1.7 |
Trends, quasi-biennial, annual, and semi-annual oscillations in stratospheric SCIAMACHY O3, NO2, and BrO limb data using a multivariate least squares approach — •Sebastian Dikty, Mark Weber, Christian vo Savigny, Alexei Rozanov, Sebastian Mieruch, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 1.8 |
Brine channel formation by phase separation in sea ice — •Bernd Kutschan, Silke Thoms, Klaus Morawetz, and Sibylle Gemming
18:30 |
UP 1.9 |
Validation of Atmospheric Water Vapor Soundings from the Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) with the Solar FTIR System on Mt. Zugspitze — •Hannes Vogelmann, Ralf Sussmann, Thomas Trickl, and Tobias Borsdorff
18:30 |
UP 1.10 |
Satellite observations of biomass burning NO2 — •Andreas Richter, Joana Leitao, Andreas Hilboll, Achim Zien, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 1.11 |
Einfluss von Aerosolen auf die Sonnenscheibentrübung — •Markus Sauerborn
18:30 |
UP 1.12 |
Vertical columns of IO from satellite observations: sensi-tivity studies and latest results — •Anja Schönhardt, Andreas Richter, Mathias Begoin, Folkard Wittrock, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 1.13 |
Towards simulated cloud interaction of biological ice nuclei on regional scales — •Matthias Hummel, Corinna Hoose, and Heike Vogel
18:30 |
UP 1.14 |
XANES Studies of Supersaturated Salt Solutions by Optical Levitation — •Yan Zhang, Alexei Erko, Bernhard Wassermann, and Eckart Rühl
18:30 |
UP 1.15 |
Remote sensing trace gas observations by satellite instruments over bright surfaces — •Achim Zien, Andreas Richter, Andreas Hilboll, and John Burrows
18:30 |
UP 1.16 |
Volcanic plume observations with a SO2-Camera — •Sebastian Illing, Peter Lübcke, Leif Vogel, Nicole Bobrowski, Christoph Kern, and Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 1.17 |
Konstruktion eines lichtarken Mini-Spektrografen für Differentielle Optische Absorbtions Spektroskpie — •Friedrich Klappenbach, Jens Tschritter und Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 1.18 |
Charakterisierung und Optimierung eines Frostpunkthygrometers — •Renata Hauler, Martina Krämer, Nicole Spelten und Cornelius Schiller
18:30 |
UP 1.19 |
Using MERIS cloud data to improve the spatial resolution of SCIAMACHY NO2 over Tokyo — •Agshin Heybatov, Andreas Hilboll, Andreas Richter, Cornelia Schlundt, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 1.20 |
Using MERIS cloud data to improve the spatial resolution of SCIAMACHY NO2 over Tokyo — •Agshin Heybatov, Andreas Hilboll, Andreas Richter, Cornelia Schlundt, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 1.21 |
Entwicklung eines bildgebenden DOAS-Instrumentes zur flugzeuggestützten Bestimmung von 2- und 3-dimensionalen Spurenstoffverteilungen in der Troposphäre — •Stephan General und Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 1.22 |
Water vapouR ANalyzer (WARAN): compact airborne hygrometer for the upper troposphere — •Stefan Kaufmann, Christiane Voigt, Christian Mallaun, Martin Wirth, Andreas Minikin, Alexander Friedrich, Dominik Schäuble, Klaus Gierens, Hans Schlager, and Ulrich Schumann
18:30 |
UP 1.23 |
Neue LIF-Tracer zur Messung des lokalen welleninduzierten Stofftransports an der Luft-Wasser-Grenzschicht — •René Winter und Bernd Jähne
18:30 |
UP 1.24 |
Rayleigh-Limit deformierter Wolkentropfen — •Denis Duft und Thomas Leisner
18:30 |
UP 1.25 |
MAX-DOAS Measurements aboard 'RV Polarstern' — •Johannes Lampel, Jens Tschritter, Udo Frieß, and Ulrich Platt
18:30 |
UP 1.26 |
Observation of the volcanic plume of Eyjafjallajökull over continental Europe by MAX-DOAS — •S. Yilmaz, N. Bobrowski, H. Flentje, U. Frieß, C. Hörmann, C. Kern, H. Sihler, T. Wagner, and U. Platt
18:30 |
UP 1.27 |
Tropospheric Ozone from SCIAMACHY Limb-Nadir-Measurements — •Stefan Bötel, Felix Ebojie, Annette Ladstätter- Weißenmayer, Christian von Savigny, and John P. Burrows
18:30 |
UP 1.28 |
Lock-in Thermography at the Ocean surface: a local and fast method to investigate heat and gas exchange between ocean and atmosphere — •Uwe Schimpf, Leila Nagel, and Bernd Jähne
18:30 |
UP 1.29 |
Austausch flüchtiger Stoffe an der Wasser-Luft-Grenzschicht bei kombinierter luft/wasserseitiger Kontrolle — •Christine Kräuter, Kerstin Richter, Bernd Jähne, Evridiki Mesarchaki und Jonathan Williams
18:30 |
UP 1.30 |
Measurement of Ocean Wave Statistics with the Reflective Stereo Slope Gauge — •Daniel Kiefhaber, Roland Rocholz, Günther Balschbach, and Bernd Jähne
18:30 |
UP 1.31 |
Vergleich alternativer Methoden für die Stratosphären-Korrektur Satelliten-gestützter Messungen troposphärischen NO2s — •Andreas Hilboll, Andreas Richter und John P. Burrows