Karlsruhe 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 11: QCD (Theorie) II
Donnerstag, 31. März 2011, 16:45–19:00, 30.23: 10-1
16:45 |
T 11.1 |
Double hard QCD processes — •Daniel Ostermeier and Andreas Schäfer
17:00 |
T 11.2 |
W-, Z-, und Higgs-Boson Produktion bei kleinen transversal Impulsen — •Daniel Wilhelm
17:15 |
T 11.3 |
Light gluino effects in thrust at NNLL order — •Simon Gritschacher, Andre Hoang, and Vicent Mateu
17:30 |
T 11.4 |
O(TF2) Contributions to the Heavy Flavor DIS Wilson Coefficients at O(αs3) — Johannes Bluemlein, Carsten Schneider, and •Fabian Wissbrock
17:45 |
T 11.5 |
The Wilson Coefficients of Heavy Quark Production in Charged Current DIS in Mellin and x-Space to O(αs2) — •Alexander Hasselhuhn, Johannes Blümlein, and Fabian Wißbrock
18:00 |
T 11.6 |
Numerical NLO QCD calculations - Subtraction method for the virtual contributions — •Christian Reuschle
18:15 |
T 11.7 |
Alternative NLO-QCD subtraction method using Nagy-Soper scheme — Michał Czakon, Michael Krämer, and •Michael Kubocz
18:30 |
T 11.8 |
Automating the MENLOPS approach in Sherpa — Stefan Hoeche, Frank Krauss, •Marek Schoenherr, and Frank Siegert
18:45 |
T 11.9 |
Dipole Showers and Automated NLO Matching in Herwig++ — •Simon Plätzer and Stefan Gieseke