Karlsruhe 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 12: QCD (Theorie) / Quantenfeldtheorie
Freitag, 1. April 2011, 14:00–16:20, 30.23: 10-1
14:00 |
T 12.1 |
Effects of Anisotropy in QED3 — •Jacqueline A. Bonnet, Christian S. Fischer, and Richard Williams
14:15 |
T 12.2 |
Dimensionally reduced QCD at high temperature — •Jan Möller
14:35 |
T 12.3 |
Consistency of modified Maxwell theory: microcausality and unitarity — •Marco Schreck
14:50 |
T 12.4 |
Energy-Momentum Tensors with Worldline Numerics — •Marco Schäfer, Holger Gies, and Idrish Huet Hernandez
15:05 |
T 12.5 |
The Duality Method: A Cutting Relation between Loops and Trees — •Isabella Bierenbaum, Stefano Catani, Petros Draggiotis, and Germán Rodrigo
15:20 |
T 12.6 |
Numerical NLO QCD calculations - Contour deformation — •Sebastian Becker
15:35 |
T 12.7 |
Understanding and proving the expansion by regions — •Bernd Jantzen
15:50 |
T 12.8 |
One-loop Gluon Amplitudes with Generalised Unitarity — •Benedikt Biedermann
16:05 |
T 12.9 |
All tree-level amplitudes in massless QCD — Lance Dixon, Johannes Henn, Jan Plefka, and •Theodor Schuster