Karlsruhe 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 19: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie) IV
Freitag, 1. April 2011, 14:00–16:00, 30.23: 6-1
14:00 |
T 19.1 |
Impuls Rekonstruktion zur Untersuchung der CP-Verletzung im t̃1-Kanal am LHC — Philip Bechtle, •Björn Gosdzik, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Krzysztof Rolbiecki und Jamie Tattersall
14:15 |
T 19.2 |
Light Stop Decay in the MSSM with Minimal Flavor Violation — •Eva Popenda and Margarete Muhlleitner
14:30 |
T 19.3 |
Discovering gravitino-stau scenarios at the LHC — •Jan Heisig and Jörn Kersten
14:45 |
T 19.4 |
Precision Gauge Unification from Extra Yukawa Couplings — •Ivan Donkin and Arthur Hebecker
15:00 |
T 19.5 |
Three-loop anomalous dimensions for SUSY QCD — •Thomas Hermann, Luminita Mihaila, and Matthias Steinhauser
15:15 |
T 19.6 |
Minimal Supersymmetric SU(5) and Gauge Coupling Unification at Three Loops — Waldemar Martens, Luminita Mihaila, •Jens Salomon, and Matthias Steinhauser
15:30 |
T 19.7 |
Two-Loop Matching of Gauge Couplings in Grand Unified Theories — •Waldemar Martens, Luminita Mihaila, and Matthias Steinhauser
15:45 |
T 19.8 |
Flavored Orbifold GUT -- an SO(10) x S4 Model — •Adisorn Adulpravitchai and Michael A. Schmidt