Kiel 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 11: Poster: Hochtemperaturplasmen: Theorie und Simulation
Dienstag, 29. März 2011, 17:00–19:00, Foyer
17:00 |
P 11.1 |
Scaling of stochastic transport in the presence of collisions — •Michael Rack, Andreas Wingen, and Karl-Heinz Spatschek
17:00 |
P 11.2 |
Filament velocity scaling in SOL plasmas — •Ralph Kube and Odd Erik Garcia
17:00 |
P 11.3 |
Validierung des ITER Divertor Codes B2-EIRENE mittels der linearen Plasmaanlage PSI-2 — •Christian Salmagne, Lieven Vervecken, Detlev Reiter, Martine Baelmans und Petra Boerner
17:00 |
P 11.4 |
Modelling of ELM with a current relaxation model — •Jonathan Pearson, Yunfeng Liang, Dirk Reiser, Youwen Sun, Tao Zhang, Chris Gimblett, and Phillippa Browning
17:00 |
P 11.5 |
Virtuelle Langmuir Sondendiagnostik für simulierte Plasmaturbulenz — •Bernhard Nold, Tiago Ribeiro, Mirko Ramisch, Bruce Scott und Ulrich Stroth
17:00 |
P 11.6 |
Simulation von Doppler-Reflektometrie in turbulenten Plasmen — •Carsten Lechte
17:00 |
P 11.7 |
Boosted Frames in Numerical Plasma Simulations — •Nils Moschuering
17:00 |
P 11.8 |
Boosted-frame PIC Simulations of FEL Lasing — •Martin Madel
17:00 |
P 11.9 |
Laser guiding for ion acceleration — •Sergey Rykovanov
17:00 |
P 11.10 |
Laser-Plasma Simulation including QED processes — •Constantin Klier