Kiel 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 15: Theorie/Modellierung I
Mittwoch, 30. März 2011, 14:00–15:55, HS C
14:00 |
P 15.1 |
Multiscale effects in plasma microturbulence - from electron gyroradius to system size scales — •Tobias Görler
14:30 |
P 15.2 |
Poincaré analysis of wave motion in ultra-relativistic electron-ion plasmas — •Götz Lehmann and Karl-Heinz Spatschek
14:55 |
P 15.3 |
Spectrum and Radial Decay of Runaway Electrons in a Disruption at TEXTOR — •Michael Forster, Karl Heinz Finken, Michael Lehnen, Jochen Linke, Bernd Schweer, Corinna Thomser, Oswald Willi, and Yuhong Xu
15:10 |
P 15.4 |
Modification of local plasma parameters by impurity injection — •Mikhail Koltunov and Mikhail Z. Tokar
15:25 |
P 15.5 |
Bestimmung der Elektronentemperatur an ASDEX Upgrade mittels Vorwärtsmodellierung der ECE Strahlung — •Sylvia K. Rathgeber, Rainer Fischer, Wolfgang Suttrop und das ASDEX Upgrade Team
15:40 |
P 15.6 |
PIConGPU - A scalable GPGPU implementation of the particle-in-cell algorithm — •Heiko Burau, Florian Berninger, Alexander Debus, Thomas Kluge, Axel Jochmann, Arie Irman, Ulrich Schramm, Thomas E. Cowan, René Widera, Felix Schmitt, Wolfgang Hönig, Guido Juckeland, Wolfgang Nagel, Patrick Kilian, Urs Ganse, Stefan Siegel, Felix Spanier, Benjamin Ragan-Kelley, John Verboncoeur, and Michael Bussmann