16:30 |
P 18.1 |
Induced inverse bremsstrahlung for dense plasmas in intense laser fields — Max Moll, Paul Hilse, Thomas Bornath, •Manfred Schlanges, and Vladimir P. Krainov
16:30 |
P 18.2 |
Quantum-statistical T-matrix approach to line broadening of hydrogen in dense plasmas — •Sonja Lorenzen, Yiling Chen, August Wierling, Heidi Reinholz, Gerd Röpke, Mark C. Zammit, Dmitry V. Fursa, and Igor Bray
16:30 |
P 18.3 |
Time-dependent second Born calculations for model atoms and molecules in external fields — •Karsten Balzer, Sebastian Bauch, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.4 |
Dynamical Screening and Wake Effects in Streaming Classical and Quantum Plasmas — •Patrick Ludwig, Michael Bonitz, Hanno Kählert, and James Dufty
16:30 |
P 18.5 |
Correlation Effects and Phase Transitions in Mass-Asymmetric Electron-Hole Bilayers — •Jens Schleede, Alexey Filinov, Michael Bonitz, and Holger Fehske
16:30 |
P 18.6 |
Crystallization of an exciton superfluid — Jens Böning, •Alexei Filinov, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.7 |
Structural properties and collective excitations in 2D dipolar gas — •Alexey Filinov and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.8 |
Proton crystallization in a dense hydrogen plasma — •Michael Bonitz, Vladimir Filinov, Vladimir Fortov, Pavel Levashov, and Holger Fehske
16:30 |
P 18.9 |
Time propagation of the Nonequilibrium Green’s function using the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz — •Sebastian Hermanns, Karsten Balzer, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.10 |
Nonequilibrium Green’s functions approach to the pair distribution function of quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium — •Kay Kobusch, Michael Bonitz, Karsten Balzer, and Lasse Rosenthal
16:30 |
P 18.11 |
Theoretical description of spherically confined strongly correlated Yukawa plasmas — Henning Bruhn, •Michael Bonitz, Jeff Wrighton, and James W. Dufty
16:30 |
P 18.12 |
The Three Particle Correlation Function as a Tool for Angle Resolved Structural Analysis of Spherical Clusters — •Hauke Thomsen, Patrick Ludwig, Michael Bonitz, and Gabor Kalman
16:30 |
P 18.13 |
Modeling Laser Manipulation of 2D Yukawa Clusters — •Hauke Thomsen, Hanno Kählert, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.14 |
Collective excitations of a spherically confined Yukawa plasma — •Hanno Kählert and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.15 |
Laserunterstützte Anregungen in finiten Yukawa-Systemen — •André Schella, Carsten Killer, Tobias Miksch und André Melzer
16:30 |
P 18.16 |
Nichtlineare Eigenschaften von selbsterregten Staubdichtewellen — •Tim Bockwoldt, Kristoffer Ole Menzel, Oliver Arp und Alexander Piel
16:30 |
P 18.17 |
Schmelzverhalten finiter Plasmakristalle — •Jan Schablinski, Dietmar Block und Alexander Piel
16:30 |
P 18.18 |
Nonlinear magnetoplasmons in strongly coupled Yukawa and Coulomb plasmas — •Torben Ott, Michael Bonitz, Zoltan Donkó, and Peter Hartmann
16:30 |
P 18.19 |
Pair Correlations for Charges in a Harmonic Trap — Jeffrey Wrighton, James Dufty, •Hanno Kählert, Torben Ott, Patrick Ludwig, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.20 |
Quantum breathing mode of interacting particles in a harmonic trap — •Jan Willem Abraham, Karsten Balzer, Sebastian Bauch, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.21 |
Configuration path integral Monte Carlo simulation of correlated fermions — •Tim Schoof, Alexej Filinov, Michael Bonitz, and James W. Dufty
16:30 |
P 18.22 |
Ionization and electron scattering on ions in strong electromagnetic fields — •Christopher Hinz, Sebastian Bauch, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.23 |
Electronic correlations in double ionization of atoms in pump-probe experiments — •Sebastian Bauch, Karsten Balzer, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.24 |
Laser-assisted photoemission: the case of low-frequency streaking. — •Sebastian Bauch and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 18.25 |
Energy Transfer in Relativistic Laser Plasmas — •Marco Swantusch, Mirela Cerchez, Monika Toncian, Christian Rödel, Oliver Jäckel, Toma Toncian, Alexander A. Andreev, Gerhard G. Paulus, and Oswald Willi
16:30 |
P 18.26 |
Plasma diagnostics applying K-line emission profiles of mid-Z materials — Kristine Karstens, •Yiling Chen, and Andrea Sengebusch
16:30 |
P 18.27 |
X-ray scattering as diagnostic tool for mixtures in warm dense matter — •Kathrin Wünsch, Jan Vorberger, Dave A. Chapman, and Dirk O. Gericke