Münster 2011 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 12: Hadronenstruktur und -spektroskopie IV
Montag, 21. März 2011, 16:30–19:15, HS3
16:30 |
HK 12.1 |
Zukünftige Messungen zur Struktur des Nukleons am COMPASS-Experiment — •Joerg Pretz
17:00 |
HK 12.2 |
Messung des Protonen-Ladungsradius mit elastischer Elektronenstreuung* — •Jonny Birkhan, Andreas Krugmann, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Norbert Pietralla, Iryna Poltoratska, Inna Pysmenetska, Sarla Rathi, Achim Richter, Gerhard Schrieder und Artem Shevchenko
17:15 |
HK 12.3 |
Vector meson production and OZI violation at COMPASS — •Johannes Bernhard
17:30 |
HK 12.4 |
Hard Exclusive ρ0 Production to Constrain GPDs — •Katharina Schmidt, Max Büchele, Horst Fischer, Fritz-Herbert Heinsius, Florian Herrmann, Tillmann Guthörl, Kay Königsmann, Louis Lauser, Andreas Mutter, Frank Nerling, Christian Schill, Sebastian Schopferer, and Johannes ter Wolbeek
17:45 |
HK 12.5 |
Hard exclusive vector-meson leptoproduction — •Mayya Golembiovskaya
18:00 |
HK 12.6 |
Analysis of diffractive dissociation of exclusive K− π+ π− events in the high energetic hadron beam of the COMPASS-experiment — •Prometeusz Jasinski
18:15 |
HK 12.7 |
Diffractive and Coulomb Dissociation of pions into three charged pions at low momentum transfer at COMPASS — •Stefanie Grabmüller
18:30 |
HK 12.8 |
Offene Charm-Produktion mit 160 GeV Myonen im COMPASS-Experiment — •Malte Wilfert
18:45 |
HK 12.9 |
Central diffractive meson production in p+p collisions at √s=7 TeV at the ALICE experiment — •Xianguo Lu
19:00 |
HK 12.10 |
Deeply-virtual Compton scattering measured with the recoil detector at HERMES — •Irina Brodski