Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 15: Proteins II
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:00–17:30, H 1058
15:00 |
BP 15.1 |
Topical Talk:
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Protein Science — •Malte Drescher
15:30 |
BP 15.2 |
Probing the Ca2+ - switch of the neuronal Ca2+ sensor GCAP2 by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy — •Heiko Kollmann, Simon F. Becker, Javid Shirdel, Anna Osterndorp, Christoph Lienau, and Karl-Wilhelm Koch
15:45 |
BP 15.3 |
Photo-cycle dynamics of photo-activated adenylate cyclase (nPAC) from the amoeboflagellate Naegleria gruberi NEG-M strain — •Alfons Penzkofer, Manuela Stierl, Peter Hegemann, and Suneel Kateriya
16:00 |
BP 15.4 |
A coarse-grained model for protein folding based on structural profiles — •Katrin Wolff, Michele Vendruscolo, and Markus Porto
16:15 |
BP 15.5 |
Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy of Ubiquitin by Poisson-Boltzmann-Monte Carlo Studies — •Stephan Kramer, Bartosz Kohnke, and Reiner Kree
16:30 |
BP 15.6 |
Origin of decrease in potency against HIV-2 protease by HIV-1 protease inhibitors — •Parimal Kar and Volker Knecht
16:45 |
BP 15.7 |
Dynamics of highly concentrated protein solutions around the denaturing transition — •Tilo Seydel, Marcus Hennig, Felix Roosen-Runge, Fajun Zhang, Stefan Zorn, Maximilian W.A. Skoda, Robert M.J. Jacobs, and Frank Schreiber
17:00 |
BP 15.8 |
Correlates between Biophysical Dynamics and Sequence Evolution of Proteins — •Kay Hamacher
17:15 |
BP 15.9 |
Hierarchical Expansion of the Kinetic Energy Operator in Curvilinear Coordinates — Daniel Strobusch and •Christoph Scheurer