Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 16: Molecular Motors
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:00–17:30, H 1028
15:00 |
BP 16.1 |
Molecular Crowding Creates Traffic Jams of Kinesin Motors On Microtubules — •Cecile Leduc, Kathrin Padberg-Gehle, Vladimír Varga, Dirk Helbing, Stefan Diez, and Jonathon Howard
15:30 |
BP 16.2 |
Collective properties of molecular motors — •Jean-François Joanny
16:00 |
BP 16.3 |
Forces and Fast Dynamics of Gliding Motors in Myxococcus Xanthus — •Fabian Czerwinski, Mingzhai Sun, Tam Mignot, and Joshua Shaevitz
16:15 |
BP 16.4 |
Altering the Native Neck-Linker Length Changes Processivity of Kinesin-5 Motor Proteins — •André Düselder, Christina Thiede, Stefanie Kramer, Stefan Lakämper, and Christoph F. Schmidt
16:30 |
BP 16.5 |
Distinct Transport Regimes for Two Elastically Coupled Molecular Motors — •Florian Berger, Corina Keller, Stefan Klumpp, and Reinhard Lipowsky
16:45 |
BP 16.6 |
Direct observation of single dyneins diffusing and interacting with microtubules in vivo — •Nenad Pavin, Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan, Martin Schattat, Sven Vogel, Alexander Krull, and Iva Tolic-Norrelykke
17:00 |
BP 16.7 |
Transcriptional proofreading in dense RNA Polymerase traffic — •Mamata Sahoo and Stefan Klumpp
17:15 |
BP 16.8 |
Microtubules search for lost kinetochores by pivoting around the spindle pole — •Damien Ramunno-Johnson, Iana Kalinina, Amitabha Nandi, Alexander Krull, Benjamin Lindner, Nenad Pavin, and Iva Tolic-Norrelykke