17:30 |
BP 17.1 |
Complex flow patterns of microbial populations growing in constrained geometries — •Hedvika Toncrova and Oskar Hallatschek
17:30 |
BP 17.2 |
Tracking and Simulation of Human T-Cells' Motility — •Marc Neef, Hélène Lyrmann, Carsten Kummerow, Markus Hoth, and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 17.3 |
The Mechanics of Cellular Compartmentalization and Its Impact on Tumor Spreading — •Steve Pawlizak, Anatol Fritsch, Mareike Zink, and Josef A. Käs
17:30 |
BP 17.4 |
Three-dimensional obstacles for bacterial surface motility — •Claudia Meel, Nadzeya Kouzel, Enno Oldewurtel, and Berenike Maier
17:30 |
BP 17.5 |
Mechanical properties of filopodia quantified by photonic force microscopy — •Felix Kohler and Alexander Rohrbach
17:30 |
BP 17.6 |
Different elasticity of left-ventricular and right-ventricular fibroblasts of DCM-patients — •Michael Glaubitz, Stephan Block, Jeannine Witte, Kay E. Gottschalk, Stephan B. Felix, Alexander Riad, and Christiane A. Helm
17:30 |
BP 17.7 |
Microfluidic Shear Alters Network Dynamics in Living Cells — •Jens-Friedrich Nolting and Sarah Köster
17:30 |
BP 17.8 |
Photo-switchable Cell Adhesion on Functionalized Nanostructures — •Laith Kadem, Michelle Holz, Saskia Viebig, Rainer Herges, and Christine Selhuber-Unkel
17:30 |
BP 17.9 |
Analysis of cell-substrate impedance fluctuations induced by motile cells — •Helmar Leonhardt, Carsten Beta, and Matthias Gerhardt
17:30 |
BP 17.10 |
Cell migration on different substrates - An investigation with optical microscopy under homogeneous conditions — •Thorsten Robel, Daniele Martini, Michael Beil, and Othmar Marti
17:30 |
BP 17.11 |
A real-time adaptive exposure system for studies of eukaryotic chemotaxis — •Alexander Anielski and Carsten Beta
17:30 |
BP 17.12 |
Ferromagnetic guidance of paramagnetic microspheres and magnetically marked cells — •Thorsten Grassmann, Yuri Koval, Ben Fabry, and Paul Müller
17:30 |
BP 17.13 |
The influence of substrate stiffness on integrin mediated cell properties — •Maja Gulic, Reinhard Fässler, and Kay-E. Gottschalk
17:30 |
BP 17.14 |
Measuring local elasticity and membrane tension on differentiating cells — •Paula Sanchez, Kai Bodensiek, Schanila Nawaz, Mikael Simons, and Iwan Schaap
17:30 |
BP 17.15 |
Non-Equilibrium Cell Mechanics Studied with Optical Traps — •Florian Schlosser, Florian Rehfeldt, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:30 |
BP 17.16 |
Device for mechanical stretching of adherent cells and application to pancreatic carcinoma cells (type:PANC-1) — •Patrick Paul, Tobias Paust, and Othmar Marti
17:30 |
BP 17.17 |
Lipid membrane mechanics in cytokinesis — •Jochen A. M. Schneider, Andrea M. Pereira, Ewa Paluch, and Guillaume Salbreux
17:30 |
BP 17.18 |
Stochastic modeling of malaria parasite motility — •Thorsten Erdmann, Yin Cai, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
17:30 |
BP 17.19 |
Mechanics of cellular materials: Adhesion, disease and nonlinearities - a rheometric approach — •Mathias Sander and Albrecht Ott
17:30 |
BP 17.20 |
Influence of Extracellular Matrix Topography on Cell Motility — •Mari Gorelashvili and Doris Heinrich
17:30 |
BP 17.21 |
Three-dimensional templates produced by direct laser writing for dental implant surface optimization — •Judith Katharina Hohmann, Erik Waller, Rainer Wittig, Rudolf Steiner, and Georg von Freymann
17:30 |
BP 17.22 |
When Folding does not Imply Pullout: Different Modes of Growth Cone Collapse in NG 108-15 Cells — Philipp Rauch, •Paul Heine, Barbara Göttgens, and Josef Käs
17:30 |
BP 17.23 |
Mitotic Spindle Positioning by Cortical Force Generators — •Rui Ma, Nenad Pavin, Liedewij Laan, Marileen Dogterom, and Frank Jülicher
17:30 |
BP 17.24 |
Static and dynamic adhesion of Staphylococci on model substrates, studied by AFM — •Nicolas Thewes, Christian Spengler, Peter Loskill, and Karin Jacobs
17:30 |
BP 17.25 |
Mechanical instabilities of tubular cellular protrusions — •Dominic Jourdain and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 17.26 |
Contact formation between pathogenic amoebae and target cells — •Julia Reverey, Saskia Viebig, Matthias Leippe, and Christine Selhuber-Unkel
17:30 |
BP 17.27 |
Cells & stress: integrin dependent mechanical properties of fibroblasts — •Fenneke KleinJan, Tobias Pusch, Thomas Kerst, Reinhard Fässler, and Kay Gottschalk
17:30 |
BP 17.28 |
Spontaneous actin waves in a deformable domain — •Alexander Dreher and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 17.29 |
Subsurface Imaging Using Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy at GHz Frequencies — •Matthias Büchsenschütz-Göbeler, Yuansu Luo, Shuiqing Hu, Chanmin Su, Walter Arnold, and Konrad Samwer
17:30 |
BP 17.30 |
Live Cell Rheology — •Zhanna Santybayeva, Alexander Zielinski, Wolfgang Rubner, Johannes Fleischhauer, Bernd Hoffman, and Rudolf Merkel
17:30 |
BP 17.31 |
Cancer cell migration through narrow channels — •Caroline Gluth, Irina Harder, Amy C. Rowat, and Ben Fabry
17:30 |
BP 17.32 |
Adhesion forces during immunological synapse formation — •Janosch Deeg, Anastasia Liapis, David Depoil, Catharina Cadmus, Michael Dustin, and Joachim Spatz
17:30 |
BP 17.33 |
Insight into the cell-beam interaction in the Optical Stretcher — •Steffen Grosser, Anatol Fritsch, Tobias Kießling, Roland Stange, and Josef Käs
17:30 |
BP 17.34 |
Filopodia-Lamellipodia Interaction Dynamics in Neuronal Growth Cones — Melanie Knorr and •Josef Käs
17:30 |
BP 17.35 |
Random and directed modes of one-dimensional ameboid motion — •Oliver Nagel, Matthias Theves, and Carsten Beta
17:30 |
BP 17.36 |
Force Generation in Blood Platelets — •Sarah Schwarz G. Henriques, Hansjörg Schwertz, and Sarah Köster
17:30 |
BP 17.37 |
Continuum Theory and Vertex Model Simulations of Self-organized Growth in Developing Epithelia — •Peer Mumcu, Ortrud Wartlick, Marcos González-Gaitán, and Frank Jülicher
17:30 |
BP 17.38 |
Mechanics and morphology of the interface between two cell populations during tissue growth — •maryam aliee, Jens-Christian Röper, Christian Dahmann, and Frank Jülicher
17:30 |
BP 17.39 |
Critical behaviour and axis defining symmetry breaking in Hydra embryonic development — •Heike Dobicki, Andrea Gamba, Mario Nicodemi, Albrecht Ott, Aravind Pasula, Mathias Sander, and Jordi Soriano
17:30 |
BP 17.40 |
Impact of Temperature on Cell Nuclei Integrity in the Optical Stretcher — •Enrico Warmt, Tobias Kießling, Anatol Fritsch, Roland Stange, and Josef Käs
17:30 |
BP 17.41 |
Synchrotron-based functional imaging of prostate tissue samples — •Andrea Matschulat, Georgi Graschew, Anton Serdyukov, Arne Hoehl, Ralph Müller, and Gerhard Ulm
17:30 |
BP 17.42 |
Biofilm Formation on Microstructured Components — •Jennifer Marx, Christine Müller, Christin Schlegel, Kai Muffler, Guido Schüler, Michael Walk, Jan C. Aurich, Roland Ulber und Christiane Ziegler
17:30 |
BP 17.43 |
3D micro-spines for cells spatial guiding on Multi Electrode Array (MEA) — •Francesca Santoro, Gregor Panaitov, and Andreas Offenhäusser