17:30 |
BP 18.1 |
Adaptive walks and extreme value theory — •Johannes Neidhart and Joachim Krug
17:30 |
BP 18.2 |
Emergence of stable epidemic oscillations due to a small weather-based parametric excitation — •Eugene Postnikov and Dmitry Tatarenkov
17:30 |
BP 18.3 |
Correlated mutations in protein sequences due to stability constraints — •Jonas Minning, Ugo Bastolla, and Markus Porto
17:30 |
BP 18.4 |
Emergence of robustness against noise: A structural phase transition in evolved models of gene regulatory networks — •Tiago P. Peixoto
17:30 |
BP 18.5 |
Evolution of drug resistance in a spatially structured environment — •Bartlomiej Waclaw, Philip Greulich, and Rosalind Allen
17:30 |
BP 18.6 |
Fluctuations in meta-population transport models — •Tobias Galla
17:30 |
BP 18.7 |
Thin Films of chiral Fluids — •Sebastian Fürthauer, Maria Strempel, Stephan W. Grill, and Frank Jülicher
17:30 |
BP 18.8 |
Nucleation of ligand-receptor-domains in membrane adhesion — •Timo Bihr, Udo Seifert, and Ana-Sunčana Smith
17:30 |
BP 18.9 |
The effect of metabolic theory on life histories — •Yixian Song, Stefan Scheu, and Barbara Drossel
17:30 |
BP 18.10 |
Nonequilibrium clustering of self-propelled particles — •Fernando Peruani and Markus Bär
17:30 |
BP 18.11 |
Directed Transport of Confined Brownian Particles with Torque — •Paul Radtke and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
17:30 |
BP 18.12 |
Single-molecule FRET experiments analyzed by likelihood-based methods — •Bettina G. Keller and Frank Noé
17:30 |
BP 18.13 |
Heterogeneous short-term plasticity enables spectral separation of information in the neural spike train — •Felix Droste, Tilo Schwalger, and Benjamin Lindner
17:30 |
BP 18.14 |
Dynamics of resting brain fluctuations — •Vesna Vuksanovic and Philipp Hövel
17:30 |
BP 18.15 |
Understanding electrical currents in DNA translocation experiments — •Stefan Kesselheim and Christian Holm
17:30 |
BP 18.16 |
Influence of dielectric background on biophysical simulations — •Florian Fahrenberger and Christian Holm
17:30 |
BP 18.17 |
A facilitated diffusion model with two conformational states — •Maximilian Bauer and Ralf Metzler
17:30 |
BP 18.18 |
Reduction of Scattered Light by Müller Cells in the Human Retina — •Oliver Bendix, Ragnar Fleischmann, and Theo Geisel
17:30 |
BP 18.19 |
Short Range Interaction Dynamics of Colloidal Particles in a Single Optical Potential — •Benjamin Tränkle and Alexander Rohrbach
17:30 |
BP 18.20 |
Neural dynamics during sleep: state switching and oscillations — •Jens Christian Claussen
17:30 |
BP 18.21 |
Effects of interactions between ion channels on neuronal dynamics — •Ekaterina Zhuchkova, Dmitry Zarubin, and Susanne Schreiber
17:30 |
BP 18.22 |
Modeling the swimming African Trypanosome using mulit-particle collision dynamics — •Sujin Babu and Holger Stark
17:30 |
BP 18.23 |
Identification of Metastable States through dynamical clustering of Free Energy Landscape of Biomolecules — •Abhinav Jain and Gerhard Stock
17:30 |
BP 18.24 |
Poisson ratio and local stress in the phospholipid membrane — •tayebeh jadidi, Alireza Mashaghi, Hamid Seyyed-Allaei, Philipp Maass, and Mohammad Reza Rahimi Tabar
17:30 |
BP 18.25 |
Stochastic bifurcations in biological systems — •Anna Zakharova, Aneta Koseska, Juergen Kurths, and Tatyana Vadivasova
17:30 |
BP 18.26 |
Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition in a Biofilm Growth Model — •Florentine Mayer and Erwin Frey
17:30 |
BP 18.27 |
Physical description of centrosome assembly using a phase separation process — •David Zwicker, Markus Decker, Steffen Jaensch, Anthony Hyman, and Frank Jülicher
17:30 |
BP 18.28 |
Cell-Cell-Desynchronization in Yeast Cell Populations — •André Weber, Werner Zuschratter und Marcus Hauser
17:30 |
BP 18.29 |
Dynamics of a spherical microswimmer in Poiseuille flow — •Andreas Zöttl and Holger Stark
17:30 |
BP 18.30 |
Langevin Modeling of Biomolecular Dynamics — •Norbert Schaudinnus, Rainer Hegger, and Gerhard Stock
17:30 |
BP 18.31 |
The dynamics of stochastic slowdown in evolutionary processes — •Philipp M. Altrock, Tobias Galla, and Arne Traulsen
17:30 |
BP 18.32 |
Predictability of evolution depends nonmonotonically on population size — •Ivan G. Szendro, Jasper Franke, J. Arjan G.M. de Visser, and Joachim Krug Krug
17:30 |
BP 18.33 |
Fast GPU-based Hologram Generation for Real-Time Optical Neurostimulation — •Johannes Hagemann, Hecke Schrobsdorff, and Stephan Kramer
17:30 |
BP 18.34 |
Describing non-linear attentional modulation patterns through ring-architecture neural circuits — •Markus Helmer, Vladislav Kozyrev, Stefan Treue, Theo Geisel, and Demian Battaglia
17:30 |
BP 18.35 |
Modeling of the theta rhythm patterns in septo-hippocampal area — •Sebastian Milster, Anastasia Lavrova, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
17:30 |
BP 18.36 |
Biocompatibility of Parylene-coated GaAs Substrates and Microtubes — •Cornelius Bausch, Eric Stava, and Robert Blick
17:30 |
BP 18.37 |
Virtual Networks of In Vitro Neurons by Patterned Photostimulation — •Kai Bröking, Ahmed ElHady, Ragnar Fleischmann, Theo Geisel, Walter Stühmer, Fred Wolf, and Gert Rapp
17:30 |
BP 18.38 |
Modeling of rhythmic patterns in hippocampus — •Anastasia Lavrova, Michael Zaks, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
17:30 |
BP 18.39 |
Artificial Neuron — •Matthias Garten, Gilman Toombes, Sophie Aimon, and Patricia Bassereau