Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 20: Regulation
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 09:30–13:00, H 1058
09:30 |
BP 20.1 |
Precision of sensing, memory, and fluctuating environments — •Robert Endres and Gerardo Aquino
10:00 |
BP 20.2 |
Precision and synchronization of coupled genetic oscillators — •David J. Jörg, Luis G. Morelli, and Frank Jülicher
10:15 |
BP 20.3 |
Rare switching in non-stationary gene regulation networks — •Nils Becker and Pieter Rein ten Wolde
10:30 |
BP 20.4 |
Sources of Stochasticity in Protein Synthesis — •David Gomez, Rahul Marathe, and Stefan Klumpp
10:45 |
BP 20.5 |
Consequences of degradation and aging of messenger RNA — •Carlus Deneke, Angelo Valleriani, and Reinhard Lipowsky
11:00 |
BP 20.6 |
Maximising positional information of morphogen gradients in the Drosophila embryo — •Tiago Ramalho and Ulrich Gerland
11:30 |
BP 20.7 |
On the role of intrinsic noise on the response of the p53-Mdm2 module — Lidice Cruz, Nuris Figueroa, and •Roberto Mulet
11:45 |
BP 20.8 |
A kinetic model for RNA interference of focal adhesions — •Max Hoffmann and Ulrich Schwarz
12:00 |
BP 20.9 |
Modeling MARCKS and Protein Kinase C binding at cellular membranes — •Sergio Alonso and Markus Bär
12:15 |
BP 20.10 |
Emergence of Information Transmission in a Prebiotic RNA Reactor — •Benedikt Obermayer, Hubert Krammer, Dieter Braun, and Ulrich Gerland
12:30 |
BP 20.11 |
Physical limits of replication accuracy under nonequilibrium prebiotic conditions — Benedikt Obermayer and •Ulrich Gerland
12:45 |
BP 20.12 |
One Dimensional Evolution of DNA-Fragment Replication — •Emanuel Worst, Eva Wollrab, Philipp Zimmer, Karsten Kruse, and Albrecht Ott