17:30 |
BP 26.1 |
Describing the motions in phospholipid membranes with concepts from glass physics — •Sebastian Busch and Tobias Unruh
17:30 |
BP 26.2 |
Influence of charge density on bilayer bending rigidity in lipid vesicles: a combined dynamic light scattering and neutron spin-echo study — •Beate-Annette Brüning, Ralf Stehle, Peter Falus, and Bela Farago
17:30 |
BP 26.3 |
Mathematical modelling of the surface change of erythrocytes due to mechanical influences — •Elisabeth Eckle and Richards Grzhibovskis
17:30 |
BP 26.4 |
Protein aggregation driven by hydrophobic mismatch — Maxim Manakov, Khariton Matveev, •Thorsten Auth, and Gerhard Gompper
17:30 |
BP 26.5 |
Shape as a determinant of membrane protein cluster formation — •Gernot Guigas and Matthias Weiss
17:30 |
BP 26.6 |
Modeling vesicular exocytosis in chromaffin cells — •Daungruthai Jarukanont, Martin Garcia, Imelda Bonifas, and Ricardo Femat
17:30 |
BP 26.7 |
Dual emission GFP as highly sensitive fluorophore for the determination of intracellular pH with fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) — •Franz-Josef Schmitt, Cornelia Junghans, Marco Vitali, and Thomas Friedrich
17:30 |
BP 26.8 |
Membrane Undulations in Ion Channel Systems Undergoing Stochastic Resonance — •Eric Stava, Siyoung Choi, Minrui Yu, Hyuncheol Shin, and Robert Blick
17:30 |
BP 26.9 |
Membrane Adhesion via Lipid-Anchored DNA Oligonucleotides — •Russi Gurov, Reinhard Lipowsky, and Rumiana Dimova
17:30 |
BP 26.10 |
How to tailor giant proteoliposomes — •Susanne F. Fenz, Rita Sachse, Stefan Kubick, and Thomas Schmidt
17:30 |
BP 26.11 |
Translocation of polymer chains through self-assembled lipid bilayers: A Monte Carlo study — •Marco Werner and Jens-Uwe Sommer
17:30 |
BP 26.12 |
Hydration strongly affects the molecular and electronic structure of phospholipid membranes — Alireza Mashaghi, pouya partovi, •tayebeh jadidi, Nasser Nafari, Philipp Maass, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, Mischa Bonn, and Huib Bakker
17:30 |
BP 26.13 |
Unpacking the influenza virus at low pH — •Sai Li, Frederic Eghiaian, Christian Sieben, Andreas Herrmann, and Iwan Schaap
17:30 |
BP 26.14 |
Measuring particle fluctuations near cell membranes — •Felix Jünger and Alexander Rohrbach
17:30 |
BP 26.15 |
Clustering of Peripheral Membrane Proteins on Model Membranes — •Tobias Distler, Gernot Guigas, and Matthias Weiss
17:30 |
BP 26.16 |
Aggregation of Human Antimicrobial Peptide Fragments at Model Membranes — •Claudia Dannehl, Thomas Gutsmann, and Gerald Brezesinski
17:30 |
BP 26.17 |
elastic model for endocytosis of clathrin plaques — •yu-hsein lin, david jasnow, and hsuan-yi chen
17:30 |
BP 26.18 |
Statics and dynamics of stalks studied by minimal coarse-grained models. — Giovanni Marelli, •Yuliya Smirnova, and Marcus Müller
17:30 |
BP 26.19 |
STED-FCS on near-critical lipid membranes — •Jens Ehrig, Eugene P. Petrov, and Petra Schwille
17:30 |
BP 26.20 |
Testing for domain formation in ER-mimicking and native ER membrane GUV. — •Mária Hanulová, Gernot Guigas, Julia Hoffmann, and Matthias Weiss
17:30 |
BP 26.21 |
Influence of charge density on bilayer bending rigidity in lipid vesicles: a combined dynamic light scattering and neutron spin-echo study — •Beate-Annette Brüning, Ralf Stehle, Peter Falus, and Bela Farago
17:30 |
BP 26.22 |
Simulation of vesicles at surfaces - rupture, fusion and spreading — •Marc Fuhrmans and Marcus Müller
17:30 |
BP 26.23 |
Partitioning of cytochrome c in multicomponent lipid membranes with domains — •Salome Pataraia
17:30 |
BP 26.24 |
Nonlinear pattern formation in biomimetic membranes — •Chris Händel, Bernd Käßemodel, Undine Dietrich, Sergio Alonso, Markus Bär, and Josef Käs