17:30 |
BP 27.1 |
Cell plasticity is tightly linked to elastic stresses in the cytoskeleton — •Achim Schilling, Navid Bonakdar, Michael Kuhn, Richard Gerum, and Ben Fabry
17:30 |
BP 27.2 |
Molecular motors can sharpen the length distribution of treadmilling filaments — •Denis Johann, Christoph Erlenkämper, and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 27.3 |
Length Regulation is an Intrinsic Property of Treadmilling Actin Filaments — •Christoph Erlenkämper and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 27.4 |
Cortical dynamics with viscoelasticity — •Arnab Saha, Stephan Grill, Guillaume Salbreux, and Frank Jülicher
17:30 |
BP 27.5 |
Measurements of F-actin tube conformation — Evelin Jaschinski, Inka Lauter, Bernd Hoffmann, and •Rudolf Merkel
17:30 |
BP 27.6 |
Dynamics of semiflexible ring polymers in shear fow — •Philipp Lang and Erwin Frey
17:30 |
BP 27.7 |
How a polymer breaks a bond — •Sebastian Sturm, Jakob Bullerjahn, and Klaus Kroy
17:30 |
BP 27.8 |
The role of fluctuations in cytoskeletal wave formation — •Florimond Collette, Marc Neef, and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 27.9 |
Active Microrheology: A new approach to determine mechanical properties of assembled networks — •Tobias Paust, Ines Martin, Michael Beil, Harald Herrmann, and Othmar Marti
17:30 |
BP 27.10 |
Super-resolution study of paracrystalline actin in auditory receptor cells — •Valeria Piazza, Britta Weinhausen, Tim Salditt, and Sarah Köster
17:30 |
BP 27.11 |
Network elasticity of stiff rods with semi flexible cross-linkers: simulation and experiment — •Meenakshi M Prabhune, Knut M Heidemann, Florian Rehfeldt, Max Wardetzky, and Christoph F Schmidt
17:30 |
BP 27.12 |
Vimentin Filaments in Small Configuration Spaces — •Bernd Nöding, Susanne Bauch, and Sarah Köster
17:30 |
BP 27.13 |
Formation of regular actin bundle networks by counter-ion condensation and entropic forces — Florian Huber, •Dan Strehle, Jörg Schnauß, Matti Gralka, and Josef Käs
17:30 |
BP 27.14 |
Contractile force generation by entropic softening of actin networks — •Carsten Schuldt, Tom Golde, and Josef Käs
17:30 |
BP 27.15 |
Diameter of Keratin 8/18 — •Ines Martin, Anke Leitner, Masoud Amirkhani, Vladislav Krzyzanek, Michael Beil, Harald Herrmann, Paul Walther, and Othmar Marti
17:30 |
BP 27.16 |
Shear-induced wrinkling in random and regular semiflexible polymer networks — •Pascal Müller and Jan Kierfeld