Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 28: Posters: Imaging
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 17:30–19:30, Poster A
17:30 |
BP 28.1 |
Morphological analysis of MDCK Epithelial tissue on different substrates — •Sara Kaliman, Christina Jayachandran, Ana-Sunčana Smith, and Florian Rehfeldt
17:30 |
BP 28.2 |
Fluorescence spectral coding for identification of molecules at low concentration — •Zdeněk Petrášek, Jens Wiedemann, and Petra Schwille
17:30 |
BP 28.3 |
3-Dimensional Characterization of Fibroblasts with Enhanced Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy — •Malte Ohmstede, Erik Bernitt, and Hans-Günther Döbereiner
17:30 |
BP 28.4 |
Measuring the local refractive index of cells with a laser trap based interferometer — •Kai Bodensiek, Paula Sánchez, Yvonne Kretzer, and Iwan Schaap
17:30 |
BP 28.5 |
Sample preparation and delivery for bio-imaging at the European XFEL Facility — •Joachim Schulz
17:30 |
BP 28.6 |
Nanotomography of bovine tendon — •Stefan Kubitza, Stephanie Röper, Anke Bernstein, and Robert Magerle
17:30 |
BP 28.7 |
Photoemission electron microscopy of magnetotactic bacteria — •Christoph Keutner, Ulf Berges, Claus M. Schneider, and Carsten Westphal
17:30 |
BP 28.8 |
Multifocus Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy using a programmable phase modulator — •Thomas Kuckert, Zdeněk Petrášek, and Petra Schwille
17:30 |
BP 28.9 |
Interferometric Particle Tracking — •Dennis Müller and Rainer G. Ulbrich
17:30 |
BP 28.10 |
(contribution withdrawn) Approaches for improved dual color Photoactivated Localization Microscopy — •Paolo Annibale, Mattia Greco, Marco Scarselli, and Aleksandra Radenovic
17:30 |
BP 28.11 |
Mechanical Properties of Primary Cilia — •Christopher Battle and Christoph F. Schmidt