Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 29: Posters: Regulation
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 17:30–19:30, Poster A
17:30 |
BP 29.1 |
Autocatalytic processes in primordial reactions — •Sabrina Scherer
17:30 |
BP 29.2 |
Evolution of increasingly complex molecules — •Philipp Zimmer, Emanuel Worst, Eva Wollrab, Albrecht Ott, and Karsten Kruse
17:30 |
BP 29.3 |
Atomspektren gewonnen aus einem zellbiologischen Mechanismus — •Manfred Kunz
17:30 |
BP 29.4 |
Reversible Enzyme Regulation as a Source of Bistability in Covalent Protein Modification Systems — •Ronny Straube and Carsten Conradi
17:30 |
BP 29.5 |
Cell polarisation’s impact on local and global calcium signals during T-cell activation — •Martin Peglow and Heiko Rieger
17:30 |
BP 29.6 |
Molecular Mechanisms of Pattern Formation: Inward Rotating Spiral Waves in Glycolysis — •Ronny Straube and Ernesto M. Nicola
17:30 |
BP 29.7 |
Dynamics of bacterial persistence — •Pintu Patra and Stefan Klumpp
17:30 |
BP 29.8 |
Effects of receptor location and transport mechanism on bacterial quorum sensing — •Bastian Drees and Ilka B. Bischofs
17:30 |
BP 29.9 |
Nonenzymatic Replication of Polynucleotides — •Benedikt Obermayer, Kevin Leu, Rebecca Turk, Sudha Rajamani, Irene Chen und Ulrich Gerland
17:30 |
BP 29.10 |
Quantum mechanical light in biological systems — •Michael Drexel, Fritz-Albert Popp, and Rajendra P. Bajpai